supporting inclusion, challenging exclusion
news from 2003
- End of year review
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End of year review
Government and LEA trends
During 2003, mixed Government messages about segregated special schools were reflected in reports of varied practice around the country regarding future developments in the special sector. While plans went ahead for special school closures in some areas, in others there were also proposals to locate special schools on mainstream sites, and even to expand the capacity of some special schools and make major investments in re-buildings works. Kirklees Council, for example, plans to spend £25 million pounds on four new special schools. Baroness Ashton, the Minister over seeing special school developments, made various statements about the special sector which stressed that the Government's agenda was not to close special schools and that they had an important role in the development of inclusion. She stressed that an 'inclusive experience' was not dependent on whether a pupil attended a mainstream or a special school. Protests by disabled people and their allies that many disabled people who have been through special schools were against their continued existence appeared to have little impact.
However, Ministers ruled out imposing a moratorium on special school closures. Junior Education Minister Stephen Twigg said it was up to local communities to make closure decisions, provided there was full local consultation. Replying to claims that LEAs were dealing with budget problems by closing special schools, Mr Twigg said that any closures of special schools must be based on educational evidence and good practice. In 2002 the number of special schools decreased to 1,161 from 1,352 in 1992, despite a steep increase in children defined as having special needs from 160,759 in 1992 to 248,892 in 2002.
In Gloucestershire, where there has been continued controversy over special school closure plans, an independent adjudicator backed the local Council's actions. Hilary Nicolle from the Office of the Schools Adjudicator was reported as saying there was a legal obligation on the Council to close special schools and divert money to mainstream classes in order to comply with the Government's inclusion policy.
Mainstream developments
New disability discrimination provisions in education began to have an impact during the year and there were a number of successful legal cases against schools who failed to meet requirements. Notable developments included the Governors of Jenny Hammond Primary School in Leytonstone, East London, being ordered to apologise to six-year-old Lee Buniak. The Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal heard that Lee, who has learning difficulties, was excluded from a number of school activities including the school Christmas play, the Christmas disco, and a class trip. He was also left out of the school photo. In another case 17-year-old Anthony Ford-Shubrook was able to start St Dominic's Sixth Form College as planned after a court injunction forced the college to accept him. The college claimed that the stair-climbing wheelchair Anthony proposed to use to access part of the building was a safety hazard and he could not be admitted. However, the successful injunction meant that Anthony did not have to miss his education pending a full hearing of the case, which was later settled out of court.
Elsewhere, mainstream schools continued to break down barriers to inclusion by developing technological aids and curriculum adaptations and by improving physical access. There were also efforts to provide mentors to inspire disabled pupils and more schools took up sign language. At Summerside Community Primary School, in London, for example, deaf and hearing classmates take the British sign language qualification together.
However, the general trend towards inclusion was described as painfully slow. A new analysis by the Times Educational Supplement of statistics from the Centre For Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE) showed that at current rates it will take the highest segregating education authorities over 100 years to reach inclusion levels already achieved by the London Borough of Newham which is considered a trailblazer in bringing special needs pupils into mainstream.
Claims mounted that competition in the Standard Attainment Test league tables, discouraged some schools from including pupils facing learning difficulties. And the National Union of Teachers called on parents and teachers to back their campaign against SATs saying that they ran counter to inclusive education. At the same time pupils with difficulties continued to be applauded for their achievements in the examinations and at Birley Spa Primary School in Sheffield a strategy of total inclusion was reported to have led to a dramatic improvement in SATs results for all pupils.
Chris Powell, 16, from Plymouth, was one of those to achieve top grades. Chris, who has muscular dystrophy, scored nine 'A' to 'C' grades and is going on to study for 'A' levels. The college principle, Steve Baker, said: 'As a special needs student, many people in the past would have been quick to write off Chris. He and his family should be very proud of this remarkable achievement. It is a testament to a Government, a local education authority, a school and a family, which believe in inclusive education'.
Following the trend for improving both physical and curricular access in education Edinburgh University made changes to its admission procedures to give priority to state educated pupils and mature and disabled students. The chief executive of SKILL, Barbara Waters, denied there was any lowering of standards. She said the move was about identifying students who had the potential to succeed. Meanwhile, Hero Joy Nightingale won a place at Oxford to study fine art. Hero, who communicates with hand movements, will have assistants to paint and sculpt on her behalf. And a deaf student, Anastasia Fedotova, who was turned down at Oxford despite having six 'A's at 'A' level, was offered a place at Cambridge.
During the year the the Down's Syndrome Association published an Education Support Pack for schools. According to one of the consultants, Dr. Stephanie Lorenz: 'There is absolutely no reason, with commitment, support and time, why children with Down's Syndrome can not take part in 99.9 per cent. of what is going on in a mainstream school.' Anya Souza, one of two trustees of the association who have Down's Syndrome, expressed grave reservations at proposals from the National Institute for Clinical Excellence that all pregnant woman should be offered NHS tests to detect the syndrome. According to Anya, terminating a pregnancy because of Down's implied that people with the syndrome were worthless 'and believe me, we're not'.
Also on a strong note more than 100 people from different parts of the country posed tough questions about rights to Maria Eagle, Minister for Disabled People, and Bert Massie, Disability Rights Commission Chairman at the first Disabled People's Parliament (UKDPP) in Birmingham. The Parliament also discussed a new law, the Disabled People's Rights and Freedoms Bill, proposed by the British Council of Organisations of Disabled People.
Legislative moves
A new Disability Discrimination Bill was published in draft form during 2003 covering changes to the public sector, transport and premises, as well as widening the definition of disability. According to the Government, the Bill will significantly advance the rights and opportunities of disabled people.
Meanwhile one of the main architects of legislation which set the scene for greater inclusion 25 years ago called for a complete overhaul of the way schools provide for special educational needs including the assessment and statementing process. Baroness Warnock identified statementing as the biggest fault in the system, saying it had become a battle for resources and ceased to be about children's needs. She said it had been disastrous and was a major obstacle to good provision.
In Scotland, plans were announced to scrap their version of the statementing process, known as the Record of Needs. A strengthened, streamlined intervention process and flexible planning for children was set to take its place. However, a parent's lobby, RONA (Record of Needs Alert) expressed concerns that children would lose rights to specialist provision and that parents had not been consulted properly.
Family struggles and successes
Despite the stronger focus on combating discrimination through legislation reported earlier, many families continued to struggle to make everyday living less difficult. Parents in Skipton blamed a mainstream school for expelling a boy with autism, saying he should have been 'statemented' so he could get one-to-one teaching, and in another row in London parents kept their autistic seven-year-old at home because he received only two hours support from a teaching assistant. The family said he would be better off in a special school. In another case a pupil was forced to miss swimming lessons because of a dispute about who was responsible for paying the £150 cost of prescription goggles.
Parent-led campaigns against special school closures continued. According to one estimate, around half the claims to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal are asking for a place at a special school of some kind. And only 42 secondary schools in England and Wales are capable of taking on large numbers of pupils with special needs and maintaining strong academic results at the same time.
The struggles of deaf children to cope in a hearing world were highlighted by the British Deaf Association in Wales. It said wasting years teaching children how to speak rather than teaching them sign language resulted in pupils feeling like failures and led to high levels of mental health problems. The BDA in Wales proposed residential schools for the deaf so that children could develop a more secure culture and identity. There were no schools for the deaf in Wales anymore, only units in schools.
Comments and criticisms
During the year heated correspondence was reported between the Disability Rights Commission and the National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT). The DRC reacted strongly to a Press Release issued by the NASUWT saying it was staging a discriminatory campaign to keep pupils with special educational needs out of mainstream schools. The NASUWT Press Release stated that 'the policy of inclusion of all pupils into mainstream schools, particularly those with emotional and behavioural difficulties, is proving to be a disaster for both these pupils and their teachers.'
Funding difficulties faced by charities supporting inclusion were highlighted by the director of the Alliance for Inclusive Education, Micheline Mason. Ms Mason said that as inclusive education was now Government policy it might be expected that the small number of national voluntary organizations working full-time for inclusive education would be fully supported. However this was not the case and millions of pounds was still being poured into segregated special schooling.
Meanwhile Andrew Sutton, director of the Foundation for Conductive Education, called for an end to the whole inclusion/segregation debate. He said both concepts had passed their sell-by dates and the sterile debate about the merits of the different approaches did not serve families well. Mr. Sutton said it was time for new thinking.
The number of children with autism in Inverclyde has quadrupled since 1998.
Education officials predict there will not be enough places at Inverclyde's
schools next year to provide support for youngsters with the condition.
They say drastic action, which would cost the council around £166,000
a year, is needed to develop the service to cope with demand . There are
currently 48 children going to schools in Inverclyde who are diagnosed with
autism or Asperger's syndrome. In March 1998, just 11 pupils had been diagnosed
with these conditions which have also become more common nationally.
Greenock Telegraph , January 4, 2003.
In cutting-edge schools such as those in the South East England Virtual
Education Action Zone (www.-seeveaz.intranets.com), the advantages of ICT
jump out at you. Teachers use laptops and wireless networking with interactive
virtual whiteboards so that special needs pupils can go back to a lesson's
board at any time afterwards and run over the work as many times as necessary
with their support assistants or special needs teachers. Lessons tailored
to specific types of child need can also be easily swapped and shared between
The Guardian (Education), January 7, 2003.
Education authorities face a growing revolt over attempts to teach vulnerable
children in mainstream schools. The Special School Protection League started
locally but is tapping into a national concern. When parents complain to
the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal about their child's
education around half are asking for a place at a special school of some
kind. Professor Brahm Norwich, from Exeter University , an authority on
special educational needs, believes it is unrealistic to aim for the abolition
of the special sector , despite a vigorous campaign from disability action
groups for just that. With Ingrid Lunt of London University's Institute
of Education, he conducted a study that suggested only 42 secondary schools
in England and Wales were capable of taking on large numbers of special
needs pupils and maintaining strong academic results at the same time. Until
now parents whose children attend special schools have lacked a strong voice.
The Special School Protection League hopes to change that.
Sunday Times (News Review), January 5, 2003.
In its first annual report, 'Making Things Happen Better', the Learning
Disability Task Force has urged the health service to make sure that the
remaining learning disability hospitals in England are closed . There are
21 hospitals remaining, accommodating some 1,000 people. A target of April
2004 has been set for the final closures but there is concern that half
will still be open by the deadline.
The Guardian (Society) January 15, 2003.
Head teachers have strongly criticised shock plans to cut the number of
special schools in Waltham Forest by a third . The closures will save around
£2.5 million for Waltham Forest Council which is struggling with an
overspent budget. Hawkswood, Brookfield House, and Joseph Clarke schools
are all under threat of closure. The head teachers say they believe that
moving special needs children into mainstream schools will not help them
integrate into society .
Leytonsone Guardian , January 16, 2003.
The deaf state school student who was turned down by Oxford despite having
been awarded six As at A level has won a place at Cambridge . Anastasia
Fedotova , whose rejection from a mathematics course at Brasenose College
renewed controversy over the university's admissions policies, has been
accepted by Trinity College. It has a reputation for choosing many of the
finest mathematical brains.
The Times , January 17, 2003.
A charity is urging Bolton schools to be more aware of the needs of disabled
people. The John Groom Organisation has developed a hard-hitting teacher's
guide, 'Just Like Us'which will be distributed to every school in the North-west.
The pack and website contain a selection of lesson plans and classroom resources
that encourage youngsters to question their definitions of disability and
honestly appraise their attitudes towards disabled people. The executive
director of John Groom, the Rev. Michael Shaw, said: 'The biggest disabling
aspect of many disabled peoples' lives is other peoples' attitudes from
adult preconceptions about disability to playground taunts'.
Bolton Evening News, January 21, 2003.
Campaigner Sue Bennetto is urging parents to attend the first meeting of
the Special Schools Protection League . A vigorous crusade to safeguard
the future education of special needs pupils has been launched in a bid
to stop children in Wigan becoming 'a lost generation'. The group which
is made up of parents across the borough is determined to fight Wigan education
bosses and make their voices heard - they do not want their children back
in mainstream school.
Wigan Observer, February 4, 2003.
A special unit for primary school children with autism will move from Rainham,
to Hoo St Werburgh. Marlborough Special unit is currently based in Maidstone
Road, Rainham and attached to Byron Primary School in Gillingham - almost
two and a half miles away. By moving the unit to the site at Hoo St Werburgh
Primary School it is hoped pupils will be able to benefit from joining in
with mainstream school activities . In a report to Medway Council's Cabinet,
planning and review manager, John Farry, said: 'The Medway inclusive education
strategy states that pupils at special units should have good opportunities
for integration into the mainstream school. The ideal situation is for the
unit to be fully integrated into the premises of its parent school.'
Medway Standard , February 4, 2003.
Northumberland County Council has come under fire from the Ombudsman for
letting down a little girl. The council has forked out £1,000 in compensation
to the girl's parents to be used for her education and changed its procedures
following the mistake. The girl, now aged 12, and from the Morpeth area,
was sent to a special school in September 2000. But her Mum complained the
council failed for two years to provide vital speech therapy which would
have allowed her daughter to attend a mainstream school.
Northumberland Herald and Post, February 5, 2003.
A special school in Tonbridge is likely to be expanded to cater for more
children with serious and complex needs as part of a countywide initiative
to meet growing demand. The Ridge View School, Cage Green Road, specializes
in helping children with learning difficulties and could take up to 45 extra
pupils from throughout the borough following Kent County Council proposals.
A review of the county's provision for special education concluded that
there were not enough places in special schools for four main groups of
children who have autism, behavioural difficulties, severe emotional needs
and complex medical conditions. Ridge View is one of 12 schools that may
be expanded .
Tonbridge Courier, February 7, 2003.
A draft bill in Parliament to give disabled people new rights has been
welcomed by Burnley MP, Mr. Peter Pike. The draft Disability Bill covers
changes to the public sector, transport and premises as well as widening
the definition of disability. The Secretary of State for Works and Pensions,
Mr. Andrew Smith, said: 'This draft bill will significantly advance the
rights and opportunities of disabled people . Publishing a draft bill enables
full examination of its provisions before its Parliamentary passage begins'.
Burnley Express , February 7, 2003.
Thousands of children with learning difficulties will lose legal rights
to special education if a new government bill is passed, parents and autism
campaigners have warned. A group has been set up to oppose Scottish Executive
plans to scrap the Record of Needs system , which gives local authorities
a legal responsibility to provide schooling for pupils with special educational
needs. The group Record of Needs Alert (RONA)claims the executive has not
consulted parents properly before pushing the changes through. However,
an executive spokesman said the replacement of the Record of Needs with
a strengthened, streamlined intervention process, with a new flexible co-coordinated
plan for children follows extensive consultation.
Sunday Herald (Glasgow), February 16, 2003.
Edinburgh University has spelt out plans to discriminate in favour of state
school pupils . The university's court, its highest decision making body,
listed the situations in which state educated pupils will be given priority
in admissions. Mature and disabled students will also have a head start
, as will those who come from Scotland, particularly from Edinburgh. Timothy
O' Shea, the University's Principal, said: 'If you know someone with brilliant
potential, who is unlikely to apply to the University of Edinburgh please
encourage them'.
The Times, February 19, 2003.
Skill, the National Bureau for Students with Disabilities, has welcomed
the news that the University of Edinburgh is to make changes to its admissions
systems to take account of the circumstances of disabled students. In a
letter to the Editor, the chief executive of Skill, Barbara Waters , said
the issue had nothing to do with lowering standards or making admission
processes arbitrary and unfair. It was simply about identifying students
who have the potential to succeed .
The Independent , February 21, 2003.
ne of Britain's leading education authorities is facing an official complaint
from a parent with a child who has Down Syndrome after a head teacher refused
a school place to the child because his needs 'were too complex'. Barbara
Fenner, the mother of Simon, eight, said she had been left angry and depressed
at the treatment her son had received. The family have now had to move their
home in Woking, Surrey, so that their son can attend another mainstream
school. This week the Down's Syndrome Association will publish a major investigation
into the treatment of children with disabilities. The report will say that
schools are often discriminating against Down's children because they are
concerned they will negatively affect exam results. They will also publish
a code of best practice supported by the Government, which will demand that
schools make 'every effort' to include Down's Syndrome children.
Observer, March 2, 2003.
The parents of an autistic child who sued their local council for refusing
to fund a pioneering treatment to help his condition have won a landmark
case at Scotland's highest civil court. Christine and Malcolm Mahony fought
a six-month campaign against West Lothian Council which culminated in a
judicial review at the Court of Session. Only twice before in Scotland had
legal aid been granted to a child to fight such an action. The legal challenge
centred on their son, Lewis, six, who was undergoing a world-renowned therapy
known as ABA - applied behaviour analysis developed by Professor Ivar Lovaas
- which was funded by the local authority for almost two years. In August
2002, the family were told that the Council was no longer prepared to finance
the £20,000 a year programme. Mrs. Mahony, a former teacher who spent
almost £15,000 on her son's education following the Council's decision,
will be reimbursed since the court ruled in her favour. Although ABA is
expensive, the Mahonys claim that the alternatives, such as a residential
course, would have cost the Council £100,000.
The Scotsman, March 3, 2003.
The Down's Syndrome Association is publishing an Education Support Pack
for Schools to ease the path of inclusion for children with Down's. 'There
is absolutely no reason with commitment, support and time, why children
with Down's Syndrome can not take part in 99.9 per cent of what's going
on in a mainstream school,' says Dr Stephanie Lorenz, an educational psychologist
and inclusion consultant. The DSA's Education Support Pack can be downloaded
from the Down's Syndrome Association website, www.downs-syndrome.org.uk.
The Guardian Education, March 4, 2003.
A six-year-old boy with severe eczema is taking a school to a tribunal
after it refused to allow him to wear pure cotton trousers. Louie Valencia,
from Brent, in North London, was told by the headmistress of St Eugene de
Mazenod School that he must wear regulation flannels, even though the woolen
material inflamed eczema on his legs so that he could hardly walk. The boy
and his mother, Gabriella, are using new disability discrimination laws
to take the school to a tribunal. Although Louie has moved to a neighbouring
school which allowed him to wear cotton trousers, he is seeking an apology
for distress and disruption caused by the affair and having to change schools.
A spokesman for the school's governing body said it would contest the claim.
The school learnt of the boy's eczema only at a photography session, he
The Times, March 7, 2003.
Lancashire schools will receive more than £2m to improve their disabled
access. The Government has allocated £2,138,000 to Lancashire County
Council to distribute to schools this year (2003/2004) as part of a national
initiative to improve access for disabled pupils to mainstream schools.
The Disability Discrimination Act requires every local education authority
to establish an Accessibility Strategy and all schools must prepare an Accessibility
Plan by April 1 of this year. The resources allocated this year will be
used to complete the most urgently needed work identified in the accessibility
Ormskirk Advertiser, March 13, 2003.
Special schools threatened with closure may be reprieved following a strong
statement of support from the Government. Many of the proposed closures
which are being fought by parents throughout the country are due to a misunderstanding
of the Government's inclusion agenda, said Lady Ashton, the education minister
responsible for special needs. 'I am very worried that somehow people believe
the Government's agenda is to close special schools when it absolutely isn't,'
she said. Lady Ashton was speaking in advance of today's publication of
the report of the working party she set up to advise the Government on the
future of schools which cater exclusively for children with special needs.
The number of special schools has gone down from 1,352 in 1992 to 1,161
last year, despite a steep increase in children defined as having special
needs from 160,759 in 1992 to 248, 892 last year.
Daily Telegraph, March 13, 2003.
A moratorium on special school closures has been ruled out by the Government
despite Tory protests. Junior education minister, Stephen Twigg, said local
communities should make the decisions provided there was full local consultation.
He was responding at Commons question time to Tory spokeswoman, Eleanor
Laing, who said many local education authorities were dealing with budget
problems by closing special schools. 'Will you undertake to impose a moratorium
on the closure of special schools, pending an investigation into this cruel
policy?' Mr Twigg said many authorities were looking at the nature of their
provision for children with special needs. Any closures of special schools
must be rooted in educational evidence and educational good practice. There
was no evidence that closures were driven by a desire to save money.
Birmingham Post, March 14, 2003.
Groups representing disabled people have accused the Government of breaking
a promise to improve the chances of children with special needs going to
mainstream schools. Ministers have approved legislation allowing parents
to appeal to special tribunals if their children are denied places on the
grounds of disability. But in a foreword to a new report from the Government,
Baroness Ashton of Upholland, an education minister, states: 'The special
school sector enjoys the Government's full support. Inclusion is not an
agenda to close special schools. I want special schools to be centres of
expertise working with mainstream schools and the wider community to support
pupils with special educational needs.' Five organizations representing
disabled people claim that the Government's new emphasis will lead to thousands
of pupil being denied a place at a mainstream school. According to the group,
which includes the Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education, many disabled
children who have been through special schools are opposed to their continued
The Independent, March 17, 2003.
Mark Rogers, head of SEN, Educational and Cultural Services in Tameside,
has denied a newspaper report that the Council has decided to shut Hawthorns
and Samuel Laycock special schools and place pupils in mainstream classes.
In a letter to the Tameside Reporter he says that the Council wants to see
special and mainstream schools coming together, providing opportunities
for children with special needs to mix and learn with their mainstream peers.
It plans to invest significant amounts of money in improving education for
children with moderate learning difficulties.
Tameside Reporter, April 3, 2003.
Many of the pupils at Barnet's largest special school could miss out on
vital one-to-one and small group tuition because of funding cuts. Headteacher
Lynda Walker has warned parents of declining standards at Oak Lodge School
in Heath View, East Finchley, London, where she anticipates an £80,000
financial deficit. She said the school was unable to budget for adequate
supply cover for staff shortages. Groups might have to be amalgamated and
'childminded rather than educated'.
Hendon and Finchley Times, April 3, 2003.
The only specialist school on Merseyside dedicated to helping deaf pupils
speak has lost its battle for survival. Directors at Birkdale School for
the Hearing Impaired announced it is to close in July after the failure
of a four-month campaign to solve its funding crisis. The school is being
forced to close because of declining pupil numbers blamed on a Government
policy of pushing more children with special needs into mainstream schools.
It is the only school in the North West to teach pupils to speak rather
than to use sign. A parents' spokeswoman said that many fought to get their
children into Birkdale and now they were going to have to return to mainstream
where they were 'marginalised, bullied and excluded'.
Daily Post (Liverpool), April 12, 2003.
Two new schools for children and young adults with special learning needs
are once again being considered for Nuneaton. The Griff and Leyland special
schools are set close in August with pupils moving to new premises on the
site of the former North Wing of George Eliot school. Parents and carers
who were consulted said they would prefer a single school for the children
but the Government's Baroness Ashton, the Minister responsible for special
needs education, has taken a 'personal interest' and made clear that Government
funding will only be available for the two schools proposal.
Heartland Evening News, (Nuneaton), April 15, 2003.
The best interests of pupils may be endangered by the Government's targets
to include special needs children in mainstream schools, according to a
teachers' leader. Delegates at the National Association of Schoolmasters
and Union of Women Teachers conference in Bournemouth unanimously passed
a motion criticising the Government's insistence that many pupils with learning
disabilities and behaviour problems must attend mainstream schools. Eamonn
O'Kane, general secretary of the union, which is Britain's second largest
said: 'The education of children with special educational needs must take
into account the best interests of all pupils. The Government's insistence
on targets for inclusion of SEN pupils means some students with learning
needs may not be in the right environment. A mainstream schooling may not
give them the opportunities they deserve and may also be to the detriment
of other pupils.' Mr. O'Kane added that the 'rush to close special schools
was ill-judged'.
Birmingham Post, April 23, 2003.
Severely dyslexic children could be left without specialist education after
their school announced it is closing in September. Anxious parents of pupils
at the Willoughby Hall Dyslexia Centre in Hampstead, London, say they are
now struggling to find a suitable replacement after being given only one
term's warning by teachers. They fear they will be forced to put their children
into schools that will not be able to cater for their special needs.
Wood and Vale, April 25, 2003.
Andrew Sutton, director of the Foundation for Conductive Education, says
disabled children and their families are ill-served by the present sterile
debate about inclusion and segregated schooling. According to Mr. Sutton,
it is time to move on and look for a synthesis of the best that both can
offer, plus something new and more. He says potential for substantial change
does exist but will not flourish until it is freed from the shackles of
old thinking. Inclusion and special schooling have both passed their sell-by
dates, he says.
Daily Telegraph (Weekend), May 3, 2003.
Millions of pounds are being ploughed into education for pupils with special
needs. A £3.75 million grant from the Department of Education and
Skills has been given to the Broadwater Farm Inclusion Project in Haringey,
London. According to the Council's education service, the successful bid
for cash will allow pupils of all abilities and backgrounds throughout the
borough to benefit from a more inclusive education.
Haringey Advertiser, May 14, 2003.
Henrietta Spink and her husband Michael are about to embark on the final
leg of their campaign to ensure that children with special educational needs
in their area - and perhaps nationally - get the support they need. Along
with 25 other families the Spinks are this month instigating a judicial
review of Wandsworth Council's alleged failure to provide the services specified
for their sons Henry and Freddie in their statements of special educational
need - the documents which set out the amount and type of support children
are entitled to receive. It is the first time so many families have collectively
challenged a council over special needs provision. Campaigners hope the
move will act as a wake-up call to other authorities which, they claim,
play fast and loose with the statementing system to save money. The Spinks
hope that dragging their council to court will trigger a public inquiry
into the approach taken by local councils to special needs provision.
The Guardian (Society), May 14, 2003.
A mum says her nine-year-old son is missing vital swimming lessons because
his school refuses to buy him prescription goggles. Charlie Cox, who has
limited eyesight, can not swim with his pals at Brookburn Primary School
in Chorlton without special goggles. But at £150 a throw, mum Joanne,
can't afford them. She says the school should buy them but officials at
Manchester Education Authority can not decide who has responsibility for
payment. Now Charlie has to sit in a classroom doing extra lessons while
his classmates have swimming lessons. Joanne, 31, said: 'He is being discriminated
against because of his eyes and it's not fair. I don't have any income as
I'm a student so I can't afford the £150.'
South Manchester Reporter, May 22, 2003.
She was once written off by an educational psychologist. But now Maresa
MacKeith is taking A-levels at a further education college and is hoping
to go to university and become a journalist. Her extraordinary story is
told in a CD to launch a campaign to provide disabled children with mentors
to show them what they can achieve. The campaign is being organized by Disability
Equality in Education and pilot schemes are being pioneered in Newham and
Tower Hamlets in London. Richard Rieser, director of DEE, said one young
person who had never seen any disabled adults in the community told staff:
'I didn't know what happened after school - I just thought you died.'
The Independent (Education), May 22, 2003.
On current trends, the painfully slow move towards inclusion will mean
that some authorities will still be trying to catch up with best practice
in 100 years time. A new analysis by the Times Educational Supplement of
statistics from the Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE), shows
that at current rates it will take the highest segregating education authorities
over 100 years to reach inclusion levels already achieved by the London
Borough of Newham, seen as a trailblazer in bringing special needs pupils
into the mainstream.
TES, May 23, 2003.
Disabled visitors to Cheshire will find their stay is even more enjoyable
following the launch of an accessibility web site by the County Council.
Cheshireforall.com is the first of its kind in the UK and provides independently
verified information on access and facilities at all Cheshire's attractions.
It also gives a range of hotels and other accommodation that qualify under
the National Accessible Scheme. Bert Massie, chairman of the Disability
Rights Commission, who officially launched the site at County Hall, Chester,
said: 'The internet has had a profound impact on the way we live, work and
study. It is vital that this new and powerful technology does not leave
disabled people behind, but that its potential for delivering a genuinely
inclusive society is realized to the full'.
Crewe Mail, May 30, 2003.
Three Kingston mothers have called on the council to plug a 'massive childcare
gap' and provide the support their disabled children desperately need. Sophie
Ugle, Diane Lacey and Mary Macan submitted a report to Kingston Council
showing how disabled children and their families are being let down by the
borough. The report was written by Ms Ugle because of her own frustration
in trying to get childcare for her 12-year-old daughter, Rachel, who has
a severe learning disability. Ms Ugle says Kingston's mainstream holiday
and afterschool clubs discriminate against her daughter as they say she
can not attend without a support worker, which can cost up to £60
a day. The report says: 'There appears to have been little thought in Kingston
as to how disabled children can truly access mainstream provision without
parents having to beg, fight or with restrictions imposed.'
Surrey Comet, June 6, 2003.
Parents of children with disabilities are being 'forced' to put them into
mainstream schools even though it may harm the education of other pupils,
a senior union leader has claimed. Alana Ross, president of the Educational
Institute of Scotland (EIS) yesterday said that children who are thriving
in special schools are being asked by education authorities to move to mainstream
schools and parents of prospective pupils are being turned away. The integration
drive is the result of new legislation coming into force in August which
requires education authorities to 'presume' that all children are educated
in ordinary schools. The clause, a late addition to the 2000 Education Act,
is aimed at winning greater integration into society for people with disabilities.
Calling for a rethink of plans to phase out special schools, Mrs. Ross said
that parents will have less choice.
The Scotsman, June 6, 2003.
Education chiefs are promising a positive future for special schools in
Bridgwater after unveiling a series of improvements. Under the scheme pupils
will no longer have to travel out of their area to go to school and special
schools will widen their work with mainstream institutions. The move comes
after a review of the county's special schools and Somerset Local Education
Authority is proposing to develop community-based special schools. Special
schools currently accept pupils from a wide area but under the new scheme
clear areas will be defined to ensure pupils do not have to travel a long
way. Work with mainstream schools will be widened and special schools will
also work more closely together to meet the needs of the community.
Bridgwater Mercury, June 10, 2003.
Baroness Ashton, the Minister responsible for special educational needs,
has said that inclusion in education is not based on the school setting.
Writing in the Independent newspaper, she said: 'Ensuring children receive
an inclusive experience is not dependent on whether a child attends a special
or mainstream school. What matters is that children are valued as members
of their school community and are able to develop their skills by learning
and playing with children from a range of backgrounds and abilities. I believe
that whenever possible this should be in a mainstream setting but recognize
that will not be right for every child with SEN, nor all of the time.'
The Independent (Education), June 12, 2003.
The warm relationship that has built up between the Marjorie McClure School
for the disabled in Bromley, Kent, and its mainstream neighbour, Coopers
Technology College, is visibly two-way. While it is now the norm for most
of Marjorie McClure's Year 8 and above pupils to attend lessons at Coopers
for much of the day, the Cooper's pupils are themselves drawn to the nearby
special school for its well-equipped relaxation areas and its poolroom.
Sarah Kieran, head of the learning support faculty at Coopers, said: 'Far
from expecting the Marjorie McClure students to come across to us the whole
time, we have a policy of encouraging both staff and pupils to go to their
school too. Not only does this make the relationship between us more equal
but it also allows our pupils to experience their often superior facilities'.
The Independent (Education), June 12, 2003.
A disabled teenage who broke her leg while attending school without a carer
is suing her local authority for discrimination. The 14-year-old who needed
friends to help her around her Cardiff secondary school because she was
unable to walk properly, fell during a drama lesson. She was off school
for six months and was told that she could not return until a new carer,
who would normally give her support, was found. The girl's mother said her
daughter has a statement of special educational needs in place outlining
her special needs and the local authority and school should provide her
with a carer to assist her in school. The school said it could not take
the girl back because she did not have a carer and there were insurance
Western Mail, Cardiff, June 14, 2003.
Writing in the letters column of the Daily Mail, Sue Cuthbert describes
the different arrangements for two of her sons, both of who have special
needs: 'My middle son has an autistic spectrum disorder while my youngest
son has a probable autistic spectrum disorder. The middle son attends a
mainstream school in a mainstream class with only a small amount of help.
After a couple of difficult terms he settled down well. My youngest son,
however, started in a mainstream class but could not cope, even though the
class had only 14 pupils. He is now in a special needs class attached to
a mainstream school. In this environment he is making startling progress,
is calm and is starting to join in with the others. This goes to show that
there is no hard and fast rule on how children with autism should be taught
and passing judgment on parents is unfair'.
Daily Mail, June 16, 2003.
A mother has threatened to pull her blind son out of his school if he is
not allowed to attend a specialist college. Louise English said Daniel,
12, would not be returning to Belmont Comprehensive School in Durham after
the summer break. She said her son had been bullied and was also unhappy
because of safety restrictions which prevented him fully participating in
subjects such as PE and cookery and in science experiments. She is fighting
with Sunderland Education Authority to send him to the Royal National Institute
for the Blind College in Worcester. Places at the boarding school, which
has specialist equipment such as talking Bunsen burners and ovens, cost
£29,500 a year.
Sunderland Echo, June 23, 2003.
The Tory leader, Iain Duncan Smith, has backed special schools and called
for a re-think of the Government's inclusion policy. The Tory leader said
he was deeply concerned about special schools in his north-east London constituency
which were threatened with closure because the local council wanted to integrate
children into mainstream education. He accused the Government of putting
pressure on councils to integrate special needs children and questioned
whether this was possible for children with serious difficulties.
Daily Telegraph, July 2, 2003.
An independent adjudicator has backed the closure of Dean Hall School in
Gloucestershire. Parents marched in the street to save the school but the
Labour-run council said it was following the Government's policy of including
all but the most seriously disabled children in mainstream schools. The
Local School Organisation Committee, which oversees admissions and places,
referred the controversial closure to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator,
set up under the 1998 Schools Standards and Framework Act. The adjudicator,
Hilary Nicolle, the former education director of the London borough of Islington,
backed the council and said it had a legal obligation to close special schools
and divert money to mainstream classes to comply with the Government's inclusion
policy. Her word is final unless the parents can find funds to apply to
the High Court for a judicial review of the decision. If the ruling stands,
it could sound the death knell for hundred of other schools under threat.
The Daily Telegraph (Weekend), July 5, 2003.
Schools across Scotland will fail to deliver equal access to mainstream
education for disabled pupils without greater Scottish Executive support,
councils and lobby groups have warned. Legislation to be introduced next
month will direct schools to give mainstream education to all pupils, including
those with physical and educational special needs, other than in 'exceptional
circumstances'. However councils fear they will not be ready to implement
the policy, part of the Standards in Scotland's School Act 2000, at the
start of the new term. They pinpoint the difficulties in providing access
to sprawling secondary schools in ageing buildings.
Sunday Herald (Glasgow), July 6, 2003.
An award-winning special school has lost its battle to stay open. St Anne's
Special School in Lewes is to close by 2007. Headteacher Gill Ingold received
the decision of an independent adjudicator yesterday and tearfully broke
the news to staff after school. The closure will be phased with the primary
school section closing in September 2005 before the remaining secondary
school closes on August 31, 2007. Cabinet members on East Sussex County
Council voted to close the school which has 75 pupils in December, as part
of a county-wide review of special needs education. The decision was made
because of a drop in numbers but the council was accused of blocking the
admission of pupils and not giving some children the option of going to
St Anne's. However, an independent adjudicator said he was not convinced
the school could continue to be viable educationally or financially in the
years ahead.
Brighton Evening Argus, July 15, 2003.
The director of the Alliance for Inclusive Education, Micheline Mason,
has highlighted the funding difficulties faced by the small number of national
voluntary organisations working full-time for inclusive education. She says
that as inclusive education is supposedly accepted policy by the Government
it might be expected that organisations like hers would by now be fully
supported. However, this is not the case. She points out that millions of
pounds are still being poured into segregated special schools. For example,
Scope has a budget of £61 million to educate fewer than 400 children
while the main voluntary organisations working towards inclusion have an
annual income of less than £1m between them.
The Guardian (Education), July 29, 2003.
Controversial new guidelines which urge Scottish councils to place children
with special needs in mainstream schools came into force today. Parents
and unions have concerns over the new policy and EIS, Scotland's largest
teaching union, called today for extra funding to pay for specialist staff
teaching. The new policy is part of the Standards in Scotland Schools Act
2000, which comes into force today. Glasgow City Council will receive £10
million to fund staff training, disabled access projects and inclusion programmes.
Teaching staff across the city have already received the first phase of
training and two autism care centres have been set up at Govan High and
Barlanark Primary. A spokesman for Glasgow City Council said: 'We will still
provide specialist care in cases where it is appropriate. We are well prepared
for the introduction of this policy and have spent millions of pounds on
training and facilities'.
Glasgow Evening Times, August 1, 2003.
Edinburgh is facing a £60 million bill to make its schools accessible
to children with disabilities and special needs. The revelation follows
legislation introduced by the Scottish Executive over the last two years
which demands that all schools are made accessible to all pupils. Education
leaders said they feared legal action from parents if costs prevent them
from carrying out all the changes called for. The news has also raised fears
that money will be siphoned off from other parts of the education budget
to pay for the work. The Council has confirmed changes will have to be made
to all 23 city secondary schools, 98 primary schools and more than 200 nurseries.
Edinburgh Evening News, August 7, 2003.
A severely handicapped teenager who cannot walk, talk, or hold a paintbrush
has won a place at Oxford to study fine art. Hero Joy Nightingale, 16, who
communicates through hand movements, is to be given assistants to paint
and sculpt on her behalf. Her mother, Pauline Reid ,'translated' for her
daughter during interviews for the place at Magdalen College. A spokesperson
for Oxford University said: 'The university welcomes applications from students
with disabilities. In cases where students are profoundly disabled, there
may be many issues that need to be carefully addressed before an individual
can take up a place, such as establishing how the student can best be taught
and examined'.
Observer, August 10, 2003.
All pupils at a North Finchley, London, primary school, are being taught
how to sign. Summerside Community Primary School in Crossway is the only
school in the borough which caters for hearing-impaired children who need
to use sign language. Cathy Ward, co-ordinator of the school's deaf and
hearing impaired unit, said: 'We are a straightforward primary school with
around 250 pupils and we have around 17 deaf and hearing impaired children
in the unit. We have a deaf sign language teacher who teaches sign language
to the deaf and hearing children in the school, the staff and the caretaker,
and the secretary, as well as the parents. The deaf children are then integrated
full-time into the mainstream school. It's what we call true inclusion'.
Deaf and hearing classmates at the school get the British Sign Language
qualification together. And the deaf pupils are also coached in spoken English.
Borehamwood and Elstree Times, August 22, 2003.
A Plymouth youngster has overcome a serious muscular condition to achieve
nine top GCSE passes. Chris Powell, 16, has scored nine A to C grades even
though he has muscular dystrophy. The congenital condition means he relies
on a wheelchair to get around and needs intensive physiotherapy every day.
But Chris has fitted in so well at Lipson Community College that he is going
to do his A-levels. Principal Steve Baker said: 'As a special needs student,
many people in the past would have been quick to write off Chris. Chris
and his family should be very proud of this remarkable achievement . It
is a testament to a Government, a local education authority, a school and
a family which believe in inclusive education.'
Plymouth Evening Herald. August 22, 2003.
Teaching unions have been condemned by the Government's disability rights
watchdog for staging a 'discriminatory' campaign to keep pupils with special
educational needs out of mainstream schools. The Disability Rights Commission
reacted to a press release issued by the National Association of Schoolmasters/Union
of Women Teachers (NASUWT) stating that the 'policy of inclusion of all
pupils into mainstream schools, particularly those with emotional and behaviour
difficulties, is proving to be a disaster for both these pupils and their
teachers'. The remark was made after official figures showed expulsion figures
have risen 4 per cent and that special needs children were four times more
likely to be permanently excluded from school. The criticism has led to
a heated correspondence between the DRC and the unions: the DRC sees the
union's lukewarm and heavily conditional support for inclusion as discriminatory,
while teachers blame the blanket view of inclusion as well as poor funding
and support for the rise in exclusion figures.
Disability Times, September 1, 2003.
A teenager who was rejected by his chosen college because of his wheelchair,
started his first term on Monday after a landmark court judgment. An injunction
used to force St Dominic's Sixth Form college, Harrow, London, to accept
17-year-old Anthony Ford-Shubrook was the first issued under new disability
legislation which gives disabled students equal rights in choosing where
they study. After initially being welcoming, the school said that the chair-climbing
wheelchair Anthony was proposing to use was a safety hazard and he could
not be admitted to the college after all. 'The Disability Rights Commission
helped us to go for an injunction, because if we had waited for it to get
to court Anthony's education would have been severely affected,' said Anthony's
mother, Cath Ford. Anthony and his parents are now awaiting a full court
hearing in October. Anthony said: 'The teachers have been really nice and
friendly and I am enjoying it so far, especially geography.'
Harrow Observer, September 4, 2003.
The mother of a seven-year-old autistic boy has slammed Harrow Council
education chiefs after her son was denied a place at a special school in
neighbouring Hillingdon. Caroline Greavy believes that Hillingdon Manor
School for autistic children gives the best opportunities for her son's
special needs. However, Harrow Council believes his needs can be met in
a local special school. Mrs Greavy has kept seven-year-old Joseph at home
for 18 months rather than return him to mainstream where she says he received
only two hours support from a learning support assistant and was unhappy.
Harrow Leader, September 4, 2003.
Sign language tutor Rowan Butler has used her teaching to build up her
confidence and self-esteem to such a degree that she has been nominated
for a national teaching award. Based at North Warwickshire and Hinkley College
in Nuneaton, 34-year-old Rowan, who has been deaf since birth, has been
recognised for her talent in teaching British Sign Language by making the
shortlist for the West Midlands NIACE (National Institute for Adults Continuing
Education) 'Adult Teacher of the Year Award'. Rowan has been teaching at
the college for more than four years, teaching British Sign Language (BSL)
in the evenings alongside her main job working with deaf children in mainstream
schools, developing their signing skills.
Nuneaton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 2003.
An autistic six-year-old has missed the start of the new school year after
he was suspended because teachers could not cope with his behaviour. Michael
Wloch, who has Asperger's syndrome, was suspended from St Stephen's Roman
Catholic Primary School in Skipton and later withdrawn by his parents. They
blame the school for failing to 'statement' Michael who suffers from behavioural
problems so that he could get one-to-one teaching.
Craven Herald and Pioneer, September 12, 2003.
At Birley Spa Primary School in Sheffield a strategy of total inclusion
has led to dramatic whole school improvement in SATs results. The head teacher
believes that no child whatever their problems should be excluded from the
school -- and that includes children with extremely challenging behaviour.
Taking in very disturbed and disadvantaged children has acted like a lever
to introduce more innovative teaching. Birley Spa is part of a consortium
of schools -- the Birley Inclusion Group -- which includes a nursery, four
primaries and a secondary. According to the head: 'Children move between
special needs and mainstream provision, as their needs determine. There
is no way we could cope with some of the children without the support of
special schools and specialist services'.
Managing Schools Today, September 13, 2003.
A schoolgirl who cannot speak has won an award for being one of the best
achievers in Islington, London. Seven-year-old Helen Wood is autistic and
can only say the word 'no; yet manages to have normal conversations with
friends and families thanks to a special typewriter. Helen, a keen poet,
was recognised by CEA@-Islington, the firm which runs the borough's schools
for 'outstanding success in the face of adversity'.
Camden Chronicle, September 18, 2003.
Baroness Warnock has called for a new public inquiry and complete reform
of the way schools provide for special educational needs. Baroness Warncock,
whose investigating committee set the pattern of today's provision 25 years
ago, identifies the biggest fault in the system as statementing -- a procedure
her committee invented to protect and stabilise the education of severely
disabled children. However, she says, that in practice 'it has been disastrous.
It is the major greatest obstacle to good provision. There are far more
children statemented than we ever envisaged. It has ceased to be about what
the child needs, and has just become a battle for resources'. As well as
getting rid of statementing, Baroness Warnock suggests a number of other
developments as part of a 'totally reformed system' that serves everybody.
These include a halt to inclusion, a system of small schools, an exam system
that takes account of different needs, and nursery education which gives
children a chance to catch up in vocabulary and language. She says a much
broader perspective on responding to special needs, both social and educational,
is required.
Times Educational Supplement, September 19, 2003.
Chris Darlington, the new president of Nasen, in an article for the Times
Educational Supplement, says Nasen has produced a policy which recognises
that inclusion is not a simple concept restricted to issues of placement.
Its definition has to encompass broad notions of educational access and
the importance of catering for diverse needs. Key principles are valuing
diversity, entitlement, dignity, individual needs, planning, collective
responsibility, professional development and equal opportunities.
Times Educational Supplement, September 19, 2003.
A thousand people have signed a petition demanding that a threatened special
school stay open. And their MP says he will be appealing to Government ministers.
Friends of Wedgewood School and Community Nursery in Holme Wood, Bradford,
issued the 'hands off' warning to education chiefs as the ten week consultation
period came to an end. Bradford Council and its private partner, Education
Bradford, want to close ten special schools, including Wedgewood, and replace
them with six new purpose-built ones in 2006. Bradford South MP, Gerry Sutcliffe,
said he did not object to the principle of replacing the schools -- some
of which are in decrepit buildings -- with new ones co-located with mainstream
schools to ease integration. But he said the details of the plans had not
been properly worked through. Families were still not sure of the time-scale
and where the funding was coming from.
Telegraph and Argus (Bradford), September 26, 2003.
Hawkswood special school in Chingford, London, is to close from August next year after the Special Educational Needs (SEN) row took another twist. The school, which faced an uncertain future after intended changes to SEN provision were announced earlier this year, will finally close after councilors decided that its 43 pupils were not enough to sustain the school's future. All pupils currently attending Hawkswood will continue to be educated at the school until July 2005. However, children who would have continued at the school after that date will be subject to a review assessment, evaluating their special educational needs, to find an appropriate alternative school place. Pupils will either be relocated to other special schools or mainstream schools in the area.
At a Cabinet meeting last week, Coun. Chris Robbins said: 'We are intending
that we raise the standards of Special Educational Needs within our mainstream
schools. Our Ofsted report told us that we were not doing enough for our
main schools and we were putting too much into our special schools. There
is no doubt Hawkswood is still under-subscribed. Forty-three pupils is not
sufficient to maintain the school and we are recommending that it should
be closed. In a statement this week the school said: 'Naturally we are all
extremely disappointed at the decision. Although the situation does look
bleak, the needs of our children remain our paramount concern. We must now
all work together to ensure whatever schools they ultimately move on to,
the very best education continues to be offered to them. We are obviously
also concerned for the jobs of our dedicated and experienced staff because
they are the ones who know the children best and will help ensure their
progress. There is a chance Waltham Forest may lose some valuable staff
members to the detriment of our children's education'.
Walthamstow Guardian, October 2, 2003.
Deaf children in Wales are at risk of losing out on a basic education as
they are forced to cope in a hearing world. They are wasting years learning
how to speak instead of being taught sign language and as a result are experiencing
high levels of mental health problems, according to the British Deaf Association
in Wales. Richard Jones, community advocacy officer for the BDA in Wales,
said 2 per cent. of people suffer mental health problems but that shoots
up to 27 per cent. in the deaf community. 'Children are made to feel like
failures if they can't speak', he said. 'So much of their time in school
is spent teaching them to speak at the expense of their education. Eva Fielding-Jackson,
youth training officer for the BDA in Wales, said: 'Many deaf people I know
are emotionally disabled because they can not communicate with people properly.
You hear some really sad stories from people, and you think if their parents
had learned sigh language it would be different. There are no schools for
the deaf in Wales any more, only units at schools. And often you find at
break times the deaf children are on their own because no-one will speak
to them'. The BDA would like to see residential schools for the deaf so
that children can develop a more secure culture and identity.
Western Mail (Cardiff), October 13, 2003.
A father was today celebrating a second victory over Gloucestershire County
Council meaning his severely disabled son will receive the care he is entitled
to. Owen McCarthy began the battle for justice for his 16-year-old son Tristan
two years ago. Mr McCarthy claimed Tristan, who has cerebral palsy, was
not receiving the level of care that had been agreed with the Council. But
despite winning the case in the High Court, the Council still failed to
provide the level of physiotherapy it was ordered to, he said. The dispute
was finally settled at a new hearing in the High Court yesterday. The Council
was told by Mr Justice Wall that it had to adhere to an amended care plan
for Tristan, as they should have done in the first place. The Council has
also been told it cannot appeal against the decision. In addition the Court
will continue to supervise implementation of Tristan's statement of special
educational needs until July 31 next year to make sure that all the provisions
in it are adhered to.
Citizen (Gloucester), October 17, 2003.
Anya Souza, one of two trustees of the Down's Syndrome Association who
have Down's syndrome, has expressed her grave reservations at proposals
from the National Institute for Clinical Excellence that all pregnant women
should be offered NHS tests for Down's syndrome. Writing in the Daily Mail,
Anya says many mothers who discover they are carrying a Down's child might
believe that the 'safest' and 'kindest' option is to terminate the pregnancy.
'What such terminations imply is that people with Down's syndrome are worthless
- and believe me, we're not. We are all people with individual feelings,
individual personalities and individual lives which can be as rich and rewarding
as yours or mine.' According to Anya, terminations should only be carried
out for medical reasons and, in her opinion, Down's syndrome is not an illness.
'Sure I look a bit different from other people but I am definitely not ill.
I'm just me.'
Daily Mail, October 22, 2003.
Haqeeq Bostan, research and parliamentary officer for the disability network
Radar, says a single equality body could benefit disabled people. According
to Haqeeq, if some equality issues - whether race, gender, or disability
- were more equal than others, a single equality body would lose credibility
instantly. The concept of diversity must incorporate all areas of society.
While it was important to recognise concerns that introducing a single body
would mean a return to sidelining the views of disabled people and loss
of specialist knowledge, there was also a growing belief that equality could
no longer be seen as concerning minority issues and that disabled people
had much to gain from being thrust into the mainstream of equality and diversity.
He said the vision must be of a country where human difference was routinely
Guardian Unlimited, October 29, 2003.
Teachers in Dunbartonshire, Scotland, have called for more training on
educating children with special needs in mainstream classrooms. Frank Healy,
East Dunbartonshire's representative for the Education Institute of Scotland,
who conducted the survey, said: 'Teachers in this area have made it clear
they think things need to change. Teachers are not saying they are against
mainstreaming pupils with special needs - they are saying changes have to
be made concerning training and class sizes'. A spokesperson for East Dunbartonshire
Council said that it was committed to developing education for children
with special needs and reviewing and developing its policies within existing
West End Extra, October 30, 2003.
Maria Eagle, Minister for Disabled People, and Bert Massie, Disability
Rights Commission Chairman, were put in the hot seat during the UK's first
Disabled People's Parliament (UKDPP) meeting in Birmingham. The UKDPP, a
separate campaign run by the British Council of Disabled People (BCODP),
had more than a hundred people from different parts of the country gathered
to pose tough questions about disabled people's rights. A major part of
the debate focused on the new law, the Disabled People's Rights and Freedoms
Bill, proposed by BCODP. It covers a wide range of issues including rights
to health care, inclusive education, independent living, accessible transport
and information and advocacy. While also advocating the rights to life,
sex, and a family, the bill opposes euthanasia.
Disability Times, November 1, 2003.
Disability Equality in Education (DEE) is asking schools across England
to nominate their examples of good practice on making reasonable adjustments
for their disabled pupils and prospective pupils. DEE has been commissioned
by the DfES and the Disability Rights Commission to produce a practical
guide for teachers which will help schools to make adjustments. 'We want
schools who have made adjustments or the first time as well as those who
have more experience in making reasonable adjustments to tell us about what
they have done and how they did it,' said DEE director, Richard Rieser.
The nomination forms will be available from half term on the DfES website
The Teacher, November 1, 2003
David Ruebain, specialist in education and disability law, has been nominated
for the Law Society's lifetime achievement award in human rights. At 16,
David Ruebain made arrangements to leave his residential special school
and attend the sixth form at his local school in Hampstead, London. 'I just
had to take charge of my life. There just wasn't anybody else.' At the special
school David was offered courses in electronics, shoe-making, tailoring
or secretarial. At mainstream school he re-took and passed all eight of
his O-levels and progressed to two A-levels. Teachers encouraged him to
sit the Oxford entrance exam and at19, he began a degree in philosophy,
politics and economics at Oriel College.
The Guardian (Society), November 12, 2003.
Four new special schools are to be built in Kirklees under a multi-million
pound scheme to improve services for children with special educational needs.
Kirklees Council has agreed to work with construction firms Jarvis and Totty.
Under the £25m plans, four new special schools will be built and one
will undergo extensive renovations. The authority's cabinet member for education,
John Smithson, said: 'What this decision does is give the green light for
a new build and refurbishment programme that will transform the support
and service we provide for children with special educational needs. On competition
of this programme pupils in our special schools will benefit from a high
quality education service in top-class surroundings and buildings.' The
scheme will be paid for under the Government's Private Finance Initiative
(PFI). Jarvis will manage the project but building work will be sub-contracted
to Totty.
Yorkshire Post (West/Leeds), November 28, 2003.
The National Union of Teachers called on parents and teachers to back their
campaign to boycott Key Stage testing on the day results were published.
The Union is campaigning for a national boycott of the National Curriculum
Tests (SATs). The Key Stage 2 were results were dubbed 'useless and totally
discredited' by the Union. Blackburn with Darwen NUT secretary, Simon Jones,
said: 'We are not against testing when it is appropriate and meaningful
but SATs don't serve any useful purpose. The whole testing regime runs counter
to inclusive education as schools become more and more reluctant to admit
pupils with learning difficulties, social problems or even illnesses that
may adversely affect test results'.
Lancashire Evening Telegraph (Blackburn), December 4, 2003.
Stuart Campbell is helping to blaze the trail for Down's Syndrome children.
At 17, he has already attained grades at his local secondary school, Loudon
Academy in Galston, Ayrshire, and is now studying part of the time there
and partly at Kilmarnock College. He may be exceptional but research to
be published today will show children who share Stuart's condition would
do much better if they were educated in mainstream schools. According to
the report by education experts, generations of children with Down's Syndrome
may have under achieved at school because too little was expected of them.
The Herald (Glasgow), December 8, 2003.
Governors of a primary school have been ordered to apologise to a six-year-old
disabled boy who was left out of the Christmas play and isolated from his
classmates by teachers. Jenny Hammond Primary School in Leytonstone, East
London, unlawfully discriminated against Lee Buniak because of his disability,
a Special Educational Needs Tribunal ruled. Lee, who has a condition called
global developmental delay that causes speech and learning difficulties,
was the only child in his class excluded from the school's Christmas play.
He was left behind in the classroom with a teaching assistant or his mother
while the other children went to the hall for rehearsals. He was also left
out of class activities to make scenery for the play and Christmas cards
for families. The Tribunal was told that Lee was the only pupil not invited
to the school's Christmas disco last December and was also excluded from
a class trip in March. The school failed to notify his mother when a class
photograph was taken, with the result that Lee was the only child missing
from the picture. The Tribunal was told that he often went to look at the
photograph, which was displayed in the classroom and could not understand
why he was not on it. Lee had a statement of special educational needs and
Waltham Forest education authority provided the school with funding to recruit
a full-time learning support assistant for him in class. The Tribunal ruled
that the school failed to provide him with appropriate support for a year,
allocating a series of inexperienced assistants to take care of him for
two hours each day.
The Times, December 15, 2003.
Parents are launching a last-ditch campaign to save a school for children
with special needs. They accuse Wandsworth Council of planning to close
Chartfield School in Putney because it wants to sell the land. The Council
is due to make a final decision next month. Closure would mean many of the
children moving to a mainstream school. Chartfield is said to be unique
in London, taking children with learning difficulties through to GCSE and
beyond. Wandsworth Council says the proposal is part of a review of special
schools. Wandsworth had 10 special schools - more than other boroughs -
and many parents wanted their children to attend mainstream schools.
Evening Standard (London), December 19, 2003.
A video highlighting the issues young people with disabilities face when
moving from school to adult life was due to be launched today. The Edinburgh-based
voluntary group Playback has produced the video, 'Transitions to Adulthood',
as part of the European Year of Disabled People. The video will be sent
to all secondary schools for use during personal and social education classes.
Edinburgh Evening News, December 16, 2003.