supporting inclusion, challenging exclusion
news from 1999
- End of year review
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End of year review
LEA trends
During 1999 more LEAs announced policy reviews of special educational provision. Yet despite this trend toward inclusion at policy level, families’ day-to-day struggles continued for properly supported mainstream placements.
Gloucestershire LEA and Sunderland LEA in particular received widespread coverage for their inclusion efforts. Gloucestershire LEA faced opposition from the Special School Protection League but insisted that its plans to move children into mainstream was not a cost cutting exercise and would enhance children’s opportunities. Sunderland LEA brought in an independent consultant to advise them on their proposed special educational needs shake-up after the Government told the Council to rethink their £12 million proposals to integrate disabled children into mainstream. Sunderland South MP, Chris Mullen, said the Government was ‘clearly not satisfied’ that suitable alternative provision was being made for children moving from special to mainstream settings. A Special Needs Tribunal decision backing a parent’s claim of inadequate mainstream support was predicted to be the first of many more to come in the Sunderland area. In Lambeth a security guard had to be called in to protect councillors at a Special Education Committee meeting after chaotic scenes broke out over the proposed closure of eight special schools in the area.
Mainstream support
Several national reports on the high standards in inclusive schools gave encouragement to the struggle for adequate services for disabled children in the mainstream. Yet individual cases of lack of support continued to undermine progress.
A family in Plymouth were not unusual in finding problems with support services in mainstream so bad they felt they had no alternative but to remove their daughter to a separate special school. They reported that difficulties finding cover when classroom assistants were absent meant that their daughter was sent home from school 15 times in five months. However, in Newcastle hopes were raised of better services in future when 115 special needs assistants graduated from a pioneering training course. And able-bodied pupils continued to provide informal support for disabled classmates, including pupils in Cwmbran who designed special vibrating alarms to alert hearing-impaired pupils in case of fire.
According to one commentator, disputes about the education of special needs children formed the single largest category of complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman.
In Ireland the Government approved measures to meet special educational needs after the Minister of Education warned improvements were necessary to halt the ‘almost daily’ appeals to the High Court by concerned parents. Campaigners from the Edinburgh-based group Equity criticised the Scottish Government for ignoring the segregation of children in special schools in its new Improvement of Education Bill. The group said placing children in special schools was a form of apartheid which perpetuated discrimination. In England a new Special Educational Needs Bill was promised to provide new rights for disabled children to attend mainstream schools as well as quicker decision making about levels of support and improved conciliation services in cases of dispute.
Family struggles
Reports of twins not being allowed to attend the same school because one child was disabled highlighted the injustice of separate specialist provision. In Manchester school chiefs were persuaded to change their minds about placing an 11-year-old who has cerebral palsy in a different school from his twin brother. And in Kent a local MP complained about the insensitive way 5-year-old twins had been treated by placing one child in a mainstream primary and the other in a special language unit.
The problems faced by Zahrah Manuel in Camden demonstrated how disabled children can be excluded from mainstream schools, even when resources have been made available for inclusion. Twelve-year-old Zahrah was turned away from Whitefield School because she was said to be ‘too disabled’. The school received £750,000 to make it accessible but still claimed that including Zahrah would be a health and safety risk because staff had not been properly trained. The issue of health and safety regulations creating a barrier to inclusion was taken up by a mother in an article in a disability journal. She said regulations had gone too far in trying to reduce risks for staff. The greater risk was of damaging children’s self-esteem and increasing segregation.
In a new survey conducted by the Down’s Syndrome Association, a quarter of parents said they faced opposition from LEAs when they asked for a mainstream school rather than a special school for their children.
An increasing number of special needs children could be integrated in mainstream
schools as Wigan pilots a new government initiative. The authority has received
£106,000 to pioneer a new proposed policy on inclusion. If successful
it would be expanded across the country.
Wigan Observer, January 1, 1999.
After years of being viewed as something of an educational black hole,
the East End of London has at last got something to celebrate. Newham, one
of the most deprived areas in western Europe has received a glowing report
from the Government's Education watchdog, Ofsted. By purging weak teachers
and refusing to allow poverty to become an excuse for failure the borough
has become a model of success against the odds. Jane Johnson is head of
St Stephen's primary school which, in line with Newham's policy of accommodating
as many children as possible in mainstream schools, has its fair share of
children with special educational needs. They include childen with autism
and refugees, many scarred by the wars they have escaped. Some of the children
come to the school with emotional and behavioural problems, but Mrs Johnson
is proud that she has never expelled or even suspended a child in her 16
years as head.
Evening Standard, London, January 7, 1999.
The Royal National Institute for the Blind is conducting a pilot project
to link three special schools with a cluster of mainstream schools to give
200 blind or partially sighted children access to the Internet using speech
synthesis and braille printers. Adept at touch typing, the blind children
will be able to listen to information held on educational websites and download
text in large format or braille. Lesley Waddell, RNIB's national ICT development
officer said: 'The government wants every child to have an Internet address
by 2002. Our project offers the blind equality of opportunity and access
to information and knowledge'.
The Times, January 8, 1999.
Nine county councillors are to monitor all moves in Gloucestershire to
integrate children with learning difficulties into mainstream schools. This
follows the decision of the education committee to proceed at a much slower
pace than suggested by officials. Councillors fear another care in the community
style fiasco and a huge backlash from parents if children are moved from
the county's 16 special schools without the money and trained teachers to
cope with them properly.
Gloucester Citizen, January 9, 1999.
Campaigners from the threatened Barbara Priestman School have been told
by visiting Education Minister, David Blunkett, that their case will be
given a fair hearing. The 20-strong group of protesters were delighted at
the news after years of campaigning to save their school from closure. Mr
Blunkett, who was opening a new careers service based in the city's library,
stopped especially to meet the determined protesters.
Sunderland Echo, January 9, 1999.
Staff and parents today spoke out against a shake-up of education of disabled
children in Blackburn and Darwen which could lead to the closure of some
special schools. Many special school heads expressed their concerns but
Jane Barrie, head of Dame Evelyn Fox school, is backing the Council. She
said: 'This is part of a national review that has been recommended by the
Government. I am very confident that the councillors will not introduce
any measures that will not be in the interests of children with special
needs in the borough.'
Lancashire Evening Telegraph (Blackburn), January 9, 1999.
Schemes to help West Country pupils with special education needs to be
more integrated into mainstream schools have been given an £865,421
boost by Schools Standard Minister Estelle Morris. She said: 'The programme
addresses the future development of education for these children and confirms
our commitment to increasing inclusion where parents want it and appropriate
support can be provided.' The grants will be awarded in two categories --
standard special needs provision which will help finance staff and resources,
and pilot projects designed to bring together special and mainstream schools,
including integrating individual children and monitoring their progress.
Western Morning News (Plymouth), January 11, 1999.
A teacher who let a five-year-old boy smack six bullies with a ruler has
lost her industrial tribunal case it was revealed yesterday. Brenda Davies,
51, had allowed a special needs pupil to tap the hands of children who bullied
him at Tennyson Road Primary School in Luton, Beds, but the hearing rejected
her claim.
The Sun, January 12, 1999.
Physically disabled schoolchildren in Bury will get a £100,000 boost.
The Government grant will be used to improve disabled access to schools
across the borough. At the same time education chiefs approved ambitious
plans to improve facilities for the disabled in schools. Head of pupil services,
Mrs Trish Dawson, said:'It is about putting disability on the agenda of
every school and giving childen the chance to be educated within their local
community instead of travelling to specialist schools outside the borough.'
Radcliff Times, January 14, 1999.
Thousands of parents with children who require special help are to be consulted
in a major review by Sandwell education chiefs. Chair of Sandwell's education
committee, Councillor Bill Thomas, said initial signs showed parents wanted
their children educated in mainstream schools. 'Sandwell is moving ahead
with what parents want -- that is children going to mainstream schools and
receiving the support they need.'
Sandwell Express and Star, January 25, 1999.
Two London special schools today unveiled a surprise legal move to thwart
proposals to shut them. Lambeth Council has recommended the closure of three
specials schools for deaf, blind, physically handicapped and emotionally
disturbed children, integrating hundred of pupils into the borough's mainstream
schools. Tulse Hill's Thurlow Park and Turney School in Dulwich have opted
out of Council control and say they will fight closure in court if necessary.
Evening Standard (London), January 26, 1999.
An extra one million pounds is being put into education in Wales to help
children with special needs. The money, announced yesterday by Welsh education
minister Peter Hain, is being coupled with an action programme for the future
of special education which includes plans to give better support to children
and parents, better training for teachers and more inclusion in mainstream
classrooms for special needs youngsters. Mr Hain launched the programme
at Tywyn Primary in Port Talbot, a school which has made enormous strides
in providing inclusive education. Tywyn's SEN pupils have a wide range of
difficulties including learning difficulties, restricted speech, autism
and cerebral palsy. Mr Hain, who toured classrooms and met pupils and teachers,
praised the school as proof that children of different abilities can be
educated together.
Western Mail (Cardiff), January 27, 1999.
A Gravesend teenager who has autism has been teaching computer skills --
despite his parents being told when he was two that he would not cope in
mainstream education. William Melling, a pupil at Gravesend Grammar School
for Boys, was among 150 youngsters to be awarded the Child of Achievement
Award at a prestige ceremony on Sunday. Teachers have been amazed at William's
progress and tests have shown his reasoning talents are exceptional. William
attends Ifield Special School, Gravesend, once a week with his classroom
assistant, Emma Hudle, to help others with computers.
Gravesend Messenger, February 10, 1999.
In a letter to the Editor, Parents, Friends and Associates of Barbara Priestman
Special School say they are not against Sunderland's SEN Review or against
inclusion if it is appropriate for the child and is the parents' choice,
'as stated by David Blunkett and Estelle Morris'. They say there has been
no proper discussion or consultation with parents. 'We have been told what
is going to happen, not asked for our opinion.'
Sunderland Echo, February 10, 1999.
Education throughout the Stroud area in Gloucestershire could be affected
if special schools are closed, a new campaign group has claimed. The Special
Schools Protection League has been formed to protect Bownham Park School
for pupils with moderate learning difficulties and other special schools
in the Gloucestershire area which could be threatened by changes in special
education policy.
Stroud News and Journal, February 10, 1999.
Special needs education in Barnet, London, is due to be discussed at a
Council meeting tonight. A new approach prompted by the Government, now
adopted by Barnet, aims to integrate children with special needs into mainstream
schools. Councillors looked set to approve a timetable of meetings to introduce
the new approach.
Edgware and Mill Hill Times, February 11, 1999.
Teachers and children at Miserden School in Gloucestershire have learned
the British Sign Language alphabet to support 6-year-old Stephie Hill who
is profoundly deaf. And Stephie's friend Amy Preston, also 6, has not only
learned the alphabet in sign language but also uses words and phrases. 'When
I don't know a sign I ask the teacher,' says Amy. 'I can make Stephie understand
me and I understand Stephie.'
Malmesbury Standard, February 11, 1999.
Greenhead College in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, is celebrating an astonishing
success getting 26 pupils into Oxford or Cambridge in one year. The college
is particularly proud of its record with disabled students. This year, for
the first time, two disabled students have gained places at Oxford, both
studying history. Ahsan Ali, who is blind, has been offered a place at St.
John's College, and Simon Howes, who has cerebral palsy, plans to go to
New College. Greenhead assistant principal, Alasdair Brodie-Brown, said:
'This is the first year the college has taken pupils who are blind or partially
sighted. We are very clear here -- disabilities are no bar to entry to this
The Mirror, February 12, 1999.
Trade unionists have criticised a decision by Derbyshire Council to end
funding which provides extra support for children with special needs. Unison
say hundreds of educational care officers who provide support for disabled
children will face reduced hours or even redundancy. 'It will put increased
demands on already overstretched teachers who will have to cope with the
problems ECOs would have dealt with. It could force hundreds of children
out of mainstream education and into specialist institutions', said a Unison
Rotherham Star, February 15, 1999.
Attendance at Gloucestershire County Council's next education committee
meeting will be by ticket only. The final stages of the Council's controversial
review of special needs provision is one of the issues under debate. Special
needs centres across the country are being closed in line with Government
policy to teach special needs children in mainstream schools. Council spokeswoman
Stella Parks said the Council will be deciding the most efficient way of
providing for special needs children.
Gloucester Citizen, February 18, 1999.
A mother has won a battle to keep her twin sons together at mainstream
school. Shaun and Steven Sloan were due to be parted because Council officers
feared that their local high school could not cope with Steven's cerebral
palsy. But after their mother contacted the Manchester Evening News, they
have changed their minds about the 11-year-old brothers who are due to leave
St. Mark's Junior School in Bredbury in summer. They will both go to Werneth
School, close to the family home in Woodley, next September. Mrs. Sloan
said: 'Werneth needs a lot spending on facilities to adapt it properly but
it wouldn't take a lot for it to be adapted for Steven -- just a few ramps
that would cost a few thousand pounds. It would cost £6,000 a year
to send him away from Werneth. Wherever he went, Steven wouldn't leave school
a great academic and in any other school he is not going to get much different
from what he would here'.
Manchester Evening News, February 23, 1999.
The Chair of the Education Committee of Sunderland Council, Coun. R.F.
Hunter, says that the Council's proposals for the development of special
education in Sunderland -- and the objections -- are now being considered
by the Secretary of State for Education and Employment. All the objections
to the authority's proposals related to Barbara Priestman Special School.
The other six special schools in the area had given positive messages. Nearly
all those who objected to the closure of Barbara Priestman School were in
favour of the principle of inclusion and some teachers from Barbara Priestman
were already working in mainstream settings to support disabled children.
Sunderland Echo, February 27, 1999
Two special schools in Darlington are trying to find the cash to go ahead
with a joint bid to gain technology college status. Abbey Hill School in
Stockton and Beaumont Hill School in Darlington want to be a technology
base for all students with learning difficulties in the Tees Valley. Mike
Venning, headteacher at Abbey Hill, said: 'It would be the first nationally
if our special schools get this status so we would be pace setters in that
sense. We would establish a centre of excellence.'
Northern Echo (Darlington), March 5, 1999.
Special schools are to be scrapped in Islington, London, in a long-term
plan to integrate children in mainstream education. The five special schools
in the area will shut and children with special needs will attend mainstream
classes or special units within primary and secondary schools. Islington
Council aims to model itself on Newham where special schools have been phased
out over the past 11 years. Pupils from Rosemary School for children with
severe learning difficulties are likely to be the first to be integrated.
Highbury and Islington Express, March 5, 1999.
Children with Down's Syndrome are being denied the right to attend mainstream
schools, according to a new survey. A quarter of parents interviewed for
the survey said they had faced opposition from local education authorities
in choosing mainstream education for their children over special schools.
And the survey also found out that when their children were accepted into
mainstream schools the support services provided varied widely. For example,
provision of help from learning support assistants varied from one hour
to 37 hours a week, depending on the LEA. Carol Boys, director of the Down's
Syndrome Association, said that a number of LEAs are unwilling to provide
the support required to allow children with Down's Syndrome to attend the
school of their choice which for many parents is the local mainstream school.
Western Morning News (Plymouth), March 8, 1999.
A parent governor at Barbara Priestman Special School in Sunderland which
is due to close says that comments that many people are supportive of inclusion
is misleading. According to the governor, Ms M. Binns: 'It is true that
many people submitting proposals were supportive of the principle of inclusion
but it has also been pointed out by thousands of Wearside objectors that
these people only support this principle in an ideal world situation. 'Surely
not even the bureaucrats at the Civic Centre are so arrogant as to suggest
that they can create such a world for our children?'
Sunderland Echo, March 13, 1999.
Cheshire County Council's Education Committee voted by an 8-5 majority
to close Brook Farm Special School which takes children with emotional and
behaviour difficulties from across Cheshire and Wirral. Councillors were
unanimous in their praise of Brook Farm but some said the closure was inevitable
because of falling numbers.
Chester Chronicle (Country), March 19, 1999.
There has been criticism of a headteacher's comments that the success of
his Buckinghamshire school was partly due to not having children with special
educational needs. In a letter to the Editor, Deborah Armstrong writes:
'I think it is a shame if we take these league tables seriously and worry
about academic achievement in this narrow-minded way. I always thought that
good schools were down to teachers and supportive parents working together
with adequate county funding to help children achieve their individual best
at whatever level. I would be very wary of proclaiming a school top of the
league based solely on the results of one year's class in a key stage test.'
Bucks Free Press, March 19, 1999.
A series of investigative articles by a Gloucestershire newspaper has concluded
with new proposals for a re-organisation of special educational needs provision
in the county. According to the investigation, councillors of all parties
show a marked reluctance to press ahead quickly with reform before the detailed
logistics of a major policy change are known. Now the headteacher of the
county's largest special school, the Milestone School, is suggesting what
he calls a 'middle way'. Vincent Stroud, who is researching the integration
of special need pupils for a doctorate, suggests that special schools should
be encouraged to work alongside mainstream schools over a five year period
so that pupils who are ready can transfer to the mainstream with support.
Mr Stroud pointed out that already some children were being integrated into
mainstream from special school each year in a structured and supported way
and added: 'I ask that we work together to create the right kind of provision
for pupils with special educational needs which makes special schools a
part of education as a whole, and not apart from it'.
Gloucester Citizen, March 23, 1999.
Claims that parents want their children educated in mainstream schools
in Gloucester have been hotly denied. Wendy Wilding, who is a parent and
school secretary, says the reason why numbers are falling in special schools
is because children need to have a statement of special educational needs
to be considered for a special school and the education authority has made
it 'almost impossible' to obtain one. She adds: 'Let's face it. They got
it all wrong when they decided on care in the community and I am sure they
have got it wrong now'.
Gloucester Citizen, March 23, 1999.
Parents in Greenwich fear their children will suffer at the expense of
a new super-school to be build near the Millennium Dome. They fear that
the Millennium School which will be built in the eco-village near the Dome
will poach pupils and cash from several other struggling schools in the
area with the result that small schools which are important to the community
will face closure. Among other benefits, the showcase school will boast
state-of-the art computers and will include children with special needs
throughout the age-range. Parents think that an exodus from other schools
to the Millennium School will be sparked because childless, yuppie couples
attracted to the area will not fill it. Greenwich Council insists that the
school will not open until there are enough school-age children in the eco-village
peninsula and say that the Government offer for funding for the first year
is too good an opportunity to turn down.
New Shopper Greenwich and Charlton, March 24, 1999.
Parents with children with severe learning difficulties in Harrow are battling
to have them sent outside the Borough because they claim local special education
is not good enough. Now they have launched a campaign to improve Harrow's
only school for children with severe learning difficulties, Whittlesea School.
They say it has not got the facilities to meet the specific needs of the
range of pupils it educates, is overcrowded and badly organised.
Stanmore and Edgware Observer, March 25, 1999.
The Association of Teacher and Lecturers meeting in Harrogate, West Yorkshire,
called for all staff to be given specialist training to control violent
and disruptive pupils. It emerged that teams from Ashworth Special Hospital
in Merseyside had been called in to train staff in several schools and nurseries
in restraint techniques. The training covers safe ways of restraining violent
youngsters, such as arm grips, and ways of leading children away from confrontation
or potentially harmful situations.
The Independent, April 2, 1999.
Teachers in Nottingham are expressing concerns about new proposals for
special needs education due to be announced soon by Nottingham Council.
Since 1991 the Council has been placing an increasing number of children
with special needs in mainstream schools and currently only 900 children
in the city attend special schools. John Peck, of the National Association
of Headteachers said the council could expect a 'battle royal' if they tried
to push the policy any further. He said teachers and schools felt they were
not supported properly and that the LEA had moved too fast already. In their
recent report on Notts education authority, inspectors from the Government
watchdog, Ofsted, said one third of the schools visited expressed 'negative
and sometimes very critical views' about the Council's approach to pupils
with special needs.
Nottingham Evening Post, April 6, 1999.
A disabled girl who last month met the world's top diplomat in New York
is continuing to face difficulties with her schooling. Hero Joy Nightingale
of Canterbury met Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations on
her way to accept an international award in Australia. The severely disabled
12-year-old cannot speak and communicates via her mother. The pair hold
hands and Hero's mother translates her movements. Hero wants Kent County
Council to find her an enabler so that she does not have to depend on her
mother but the Council have been unable to provide a suitable person. A
KCC education official said the Department had done everything possible
to help Hero, but their efforts had been disrupted by her family's demands.
'We don't understand the way she communicates and this has made it very
difficult to identify the most appropriate education for her needs. We have
been trying for some time to undertake independent assessments into her
abilities but so far the family has been reluctant to work with us.'
Kentish Gazette (Canterbury) April 8, 1999.
Angry parents demonstrated outside County Hall in Mold, Flintshire, demanding
a better deal for dyslexic children. The Shotton-based Dyslexia Action Group
is demanding a fair slice of the education cake to meet children's needs.
Action Group secretary Heather Baird, is teaching her daughter at home because
of the lack of specialised teaching in the county. She says there are more
than 6,500 parents in Flintshire with dyslexic children and they are all
fed up with being fobbed off. 'We think money is being misused. Schools
are getting it but they are not using it as it should be used and there
is no check on what they do with it'.
Deeside Chronicle, April 9, 1999.
Special education in Leicestershire is set for wide-ranging changes following
a two-year investigation. The proposed development plan for special education
includes more local services for special needs toddlers, linking special
schools with mainstream, developing provision for secondary school pupils
with moderate learning difficulties, a unit for autistic children, provision
for pupils with visual difficulties, improving access to mainstream, more
support for schools with problem children, considering a special school
for teenage boys with emotional and behavioural difficulties, better access
to information for parents, a three year training plan for staff, teachers,
governors and parents and a review of the role of educational psychologists
and specialist teachers.
Leicester Mercury, April 20, 1999.
A security guard was called in to protect Lambeth councillors amid chaotic
scenes at a special education meeting last week. Anger erupted as the committee
decided to issue statutory notices for the phased closure of eight schools
including south London's only school for the visually impaired and a school
for children with hearing impairment. The committee chair, Councillor Ty
Goddard, said after the meeting that the special needs review was the only
way to reduce the borough's 3,000 surplus school places. He said: 'Every
surplus place damages a Lambeth child because it means resources are being
misdirected. This is a painful process for all of us but we want to renew
and rebuild schools in the borough for a better future.'
The Mercury, Streatham, Brixton and Clapham, April 28, 1999.
Health chiefs say they have major fears over plans to reduce special school
provision in Blackburn and Darwen. Broadlands Nursery, Blackamoor, Dame
Evelyn Fox and Crosshill special schools are all under review under plans
to integrate more children into mainstream. But East Lancashire Health Authority,
which was asked to respond to the proposals, has major reservations. Director
Bev Humphreys says resources to meet the needs of children with special
educational needs are already at full stretch in the present system and
the situation will be much worse if more special needs children are integrated.
Health staff and therapy professionals will have far more travelling to
do to reach children all over the borough.
Lancashire Evening Telegraph (Blackburn), April 20, 1999.
When pupils leave Janice Carhill's school after just 12 months, she is
glad to see the back of them -- because it means a job well done. Teenagers
arrive at the Pendlebury Centre in Edgeley, Manchester, nervous and anxious.
Typically they have emotional and behavioural difficulties and may have
suffered from bullying. But they usually spend no more than 12 months at
the special school before going back to their old schools. Now the school's
achievement has been recognised in a glowing report by Ofsted, the Government's
education watchdog, which praised the 'high quality of teaching by well-led
and dedicated teaching staff'. The report said one of the school's main
strengths was its ability to motivate students who had previously been poor
attenders with many pupils going to 90 per cent. of lessons.
Manchester Metro News, May 1, 1999.
Special needs classes in Rhondda schools are to close during a three-year
scheme to re-integrate children with learning difficulties into mainstream
classes. By 2001 education chiefs hope that all pupils with moderate learning
difficulties will have been included in mainstream. Rhondda Council inherited
36 special needs classes from Mid Glamorgan authority and it was felt that
a move to a more appropriate range of services was needed. Children in special
needs classes will be re-assessed and some may have to go to special schools,
although the majority will be placed in classes with other students.
Rhondda Leader, May 6, 1999.
Parents campaigning to save Gloucestershire's special schools are prepared
to take their fight to Number 10. They say they will march on Downing Street
unless education bosses scraps plans to integrate pupils with learning difficulties
in mainstream schools. Members of the Special Schools Protection League
pledged to battle on after councillors voted to press ahead with closure
of five of the county's special schools. The vote flew in the face of opposition
from 50 protesters who waved Save Our Schools placards on the steps of Shire
Hall in Gloucester before the meeting. The campaigners also handed in three
petitions containing more than 6,000 signatures.
Gloucestershire Echo, May 14, 1999.
A blueprint to allow Sheffield's 800 special needs children to be taught
in mainstream classes, creating a school campus capable of teaching all
kinds of pupils, is being prepared. It will be the first detailed shake-up
of the sector for five years and plans are set to be completed in Autumn.
Rather than the present system of scattered units and 13 special schools,
education chiefs are trying to create local provision in a wide range of
schools. New schools in the city are being designed with special needs pupils
in mind, such as the Birley 'super-campus'. Penny Penn-Howard, Education
Department head of Pupil and Student Support, said: 'We have actually created
barriers which are delaying the help special needs children need.'
Sheffield Weekly Gazetteer May 27, 1999.
Mini MPs from East Yorkshire had some prime questions for ministers when
they met them at Westminster today. The meeting was the next stage of the
Childrens' Parliament which aims to give youngsters a chance to tell the
Government what they think are the important issues of the day. Scott Walker,
10, asked a question about access to building for disabled people. He wanted
to know whether access could be planned before building work is carried
out so that when children with special needs are ready to go to mainstream
school they do not have to wait for building alterations.
Hull Daily Mail, May 25, 1999.
The parents of a girl with Down's Syndrome repeatedly sent home because
of staff absences are threatening to remove their daughter from mainstream
education. Geoffrey and Lesley Hetherington say Sarah, 10, has been sent
home from Whitleigh Junior School, Plymouth, about 15 times since January.
Mr Hetherington said: 'We want Sarah to have social integration with other
children. We want her to have a normal a life as possible. When a teacher
is off the school does not send a class of 32 pupils home but when Sarah's
classroom assistant is not in she is sent home.' The head teacher, David
Vickers, said when a teacher was ill it was usually possible to get a supply
teacher but it was not as easy to get a classroom assistant. He said the
education authority was trying to address the problem.
Plymouth Evening Herald, May 25, 1999.
The mother of a 16-year-old autistic boy has described how Hereford School
in Grimsby turned around the life of her child. Pat Evans said she believed
the school, which had been criticised by an MP's wife, could not have not
have done more for her son Richard. Richard's behaviour difficulties began
when a favourite teacher died and he believed he was responsible for the
death. However, his mother says the school never gave up on him and now
he has been able to take two GCSEs. 'They have done everything they can
to bring him on. When he first came I never thought he would be the young
man he is today.'
Grimsby Evening Telegraph, May 26, 1999.
A family from Leicestershire have finally won the right to send their severely
disabled child to a residential special school. An independent Special Educational
Needs Tribunal has ruled against the LEA's plans for Bobo Singh, 15, and
supported the parents in their conviction their son needs residential care
and a specialist school for the blind. A bid by the LEA to force a review
of the Tribunal's decision has also been thrown out. Bobo's dad said:'We
are obviously delighted with the Tribunal's decision, but it is what we
were asking for 10 years ago. We are devastated that our son has been denied
the education he should have had when he was 5 years old.'
Leicester Mercury, May 27, 1999.
Consultation on revived plans for a shake up of special schools in County
Durham will begin next week. Durham County Council education chiefs gave
the go-ahead last week to begin talks on the possible closure of four existing
schools and their replacement with two new ones. If approved, the proposals
would see Murphy Crescent and Warwick Road School in Bishop Auckland along
with Whitworth House in Spennymoor and Rosebank in Ferryhill replaced. The
plan is to build a 160-pupil school for pupils with a wide range of special
needs, aged from 2 to 11, years on the Warwick Road site and an 200-place
school for pupils aged 11 to 19 at Spennymoor Comprehensive lower site at
a total cost of £7.3m. When similar proposals were put forward four
years ago there was fierce opposition from two of the schools but since
then one has burned down and agreement has been reached at the other.
Wear Valley Advertiser, June 3, 1999.
A charity campaigning to allow terminally ill children to stay on at school
after their illness has been diagnosed has received a lottery grant of £127,167.
Researchers for the Children's Hospice South West believe that too many
children with life-threatening diseases are excluded from school because
head teachers feared they would be blamed in anything happened to them.
Jill Farwell, who founded the hospice near Barnstaple, North Devon, said
school gave sick children's lives an element of normality and continuity
and gave parents a break. It also helped other children to come to terms
with death. Researcher Tricia Nash said: 'It must be terribly upsetting
for a child if they know they are being excluded from school. It is difficult
for the parents too. They are made to feel like outcasts.'
The Times, June, 1999.
Parents of a girl with Down's Syndrome, who has been repeatedly sent home
from school because of staff absence, have decided to send her to a special
school. Geoffrey and Lesley Hetherington say they have been forced to take
Sarah, 10, out of Whitleigh Junior School after she was sent home 15 times
since January. Head teacher, David Vickers, said it was hard to get staff
to stand in. Sarah had done well socially and academically and he was sad
to see her go. A spokesperson for Plymouth City Council said it was satisfied
with the support given to special needs pupils at Whitleigh. 'This is a
matter of choice for the parents.'
Plymouth Evening Herald, June 9, 1999
Parents of children with learning disabilities yesterday vowed to break
the law and keep their youngsters off school if a special school is closed.
The pledge came after Hartlepool Borough Council decided to close Thornhill
Special School by 2001. Angry mothers and their children gathered outside
Hartlepool Civic Centre with placards to lobby councillors in a vain attempt
to prevent the closure. The decision is part of the local education authority's
new policy of integrating children with special needs into mainstream schools.
Northern Echo, June 10, 1999.
Harrow last year had the worst record in London and the third worst in
England for excluding pupils from special schools. Out of 203 children in
Harrow's three special schools, five were excluded last year, although the
year before none were excluded. A spokesman for Harrow Education Authority
said: 'Of the five children we excluded last year from special schools three
were from other boroughs so we may not have been given a complete picture
of their needs. It does cause us concern if any pupils is excluded from
a special school and we are committed to including children in mainstream
Stanmore and Edgware Observer, June 24, 1999.
Extra teaching staff for the deaf are set to be employed in Walsall to
cope with the increasing number of pupils with hearing difficulties entering
mainstream schools in the borough. Walsall Council is set to appoint an
additional part-time teacher of the deaf and a full-time nursery nurse sign
communicator to join the authority's hearing impaired service. The service
currently has eight staff members -- the same level as ten years ago.
Wolverhampton Express and Star, June 29, 1999.
Governors and head teachers are giving plans to integrate more Gloucestershire
children with special needs into mainstream schools a favourable response,
it has been claimed. Education Director, Roger Crouch, says consultations
on the county's draft development plan for special needs education have
revealed that schools chiefs are happy -- provided they are convinced the
money will be available to provide the right facilities and teaching. The
proposed closure of the four area special schools is the most controversial
issue to come before the Education Committee for some time. It has led to
the formation by parents of the Special Schools Protection League.
Gloucester Citizen, July 7, 1999.
Slades Farm School for children with emotional and behaviour difficulties
will be closed pending consultation, Bournemouth Councillors have decided.
At their Education Committee meeting last week, members approved a decision
to close the school. Consultation with parents, teachers, and the community
will take place but unless strong objections are raised the plan will go
ahead. The Council has successfully bid for £443,000 in Standards
Fund money to open out-reach, one-to-one programmes in mainstream schools.
Children from Slades will be transferred to mainstream and the empty building
will be used for training and support for specialist teachers. Councillor
Phil Carey, a governor at Slades Farm, said that children with greater problems
could also be taught at the resource base on a temporary basis.
The Daily Echo, July 12, 1999.
Pupils at a South Wales school realised deaf classmates could be in danger
if a fire broke out because they could not hear the alarm. So the caring
Year 5 pupils at Hollybush Primary, in Cwmbran, came up with a sensational
idea. Their vibrating alarms -- which can be worn in a variety of ways such
as wrist bands and badges -- have now won them a place in the finals of
the prestigious 3M Primary Innovation Awards competition. Hearing impaired
children from all over Gwent attend Hollybush school where they are integrated
into classes. Signing teachers work alongside class teachers to support
the children.
South Wales Argus, July 13, 1999.
A determined 12-year-old has won a qualification in sign language -- so
she can talk with her 11-year-old cousin who is deaf. Despite opposition
from a teacher who thought she was too young to learn the language, Samantha
Speight, started a Leeds College course two years ago to learn the skill
which would overcome the barrier between her and her profoundly deaf cousin,
Matthew Barron. The two have been friends since they were toddlers. They
live close together and are growing up together. Samantha's mother Lisa
said she wanted to learn sign language because it is Matthew's first language.
Yorkshire Evening Post, Leeds, July 15, 1999.
Parents protested outside Yorkshire's only school for blind children yesterday
over plans to merge it with two mainstream schools. Children from all over
the county go to Temple Bank School in Bradford which was saved from closure
last year after a campaign by parents. They are uniting again to oppose
Bradford Council's plans for the pupils to be taught in two new mainstream
schools and for Temple Bank to become a resouce unit. One parents said she
wanted Temple Bank to retain its special status because that is what made
it a success. Without special status parents would not be attracted to it
and it would be effectively 'killed off'. Head teacher Rick Neal has welcomed
the proposals. Governors have also come out in favour of going into partnership
with other schools.
Yorkshire Post, July 17, 1999.
A High Court judge has thrown out calls for an independent inquiry into
a special school in Swansea. The parents of a terminally ill five-year-old
girl failed to earn a judicial review into the school's alleged non-resuscitation
policy for terminally ill childen. They withdrew the girl from the school,
Ysgol Crug Glas, because they claim the policy would have resulted in her
being left to die. It now looks like the case will go to the Court of Appeal.
Mr Justice Sullivan dismissed their call saying the policy of denying immediate
resuscitation was only in place for a short period in late March and early
April. But Nigel Pleming QC for the grandparents said the policy should
not have been in place at all. The grandparents were entitled to an independent
inquiry to satisfy them it was safe for their grand-daughter to return to
South Wales Evening Post, July 20, 1999.
A petition against plans to review the future of special schools in Sandwell,
Midlands, was presented to education chiefs yesterday. More than 500 pupils
from Millfield School have registered their protest. They claim their children's
education is suffering because of uncertainty surrounding the borough's
11 special schools. An Education Department spokesman said: 'Nothing is
cut and dried. There will be genuine consultation before anything is decided.'
Birmingham Post, July 23, 1999.
Controversial plans to close Sunderland's Barbara Priestman Special School
and seven other special schools have been kicked out by the Government.
Schools Minister, Charles Clarke, today ordered City Councillors to re-think
their £12 million proposals to integrate special needs youngsters
into mainstream schools. The decision will save eight schools from closure
and block plans by four others to establish their own additional special
needs facilities. Mr. Clarke credited the mountain of objections as the
main reason for his landmark move to resist the Council's blueprint. Sunderland
South MP Chris Mullen said: 'The government is clearly not satisfied that
suitable alternative provision was being made for Barbara Priestman pupils
in mainstream schools.' He added that it was almost unprecedented for ministers
to block a council which was following the government policy to integrate
special needs pupils into mainstream schools.
Sunderland Echo, July 23, 1999.
The mother of an eight-year-old boy with cerebral palsy says his placement
in mainstream is being threatened by overly strict implementation of health
and safety rules. Writing in a disability journal, Jane Parkinson describes
how various activities, including school trips and stays at his respite
carer's house, have become very difficult to arrange because of the strict
approach. She says health and safety regulations have gone too far in trying
to reduce risks for people working with disabled people. The greatest risk
is to children's self-esteem and privacy and to society in general if parents
are forced to send disabled children to specially equipped schools, segregated
and wrapped in cotton wool. 'I feel these rules are forcing us backwards
in a desperate attempt to avoid compensation cases and in the misguided
belief that absolute safety can be guaranteed.'
Disability Now, August 1999.
Three Appeal Court Judges have granted a family leave to sue Bromley Council
over a special school placement. They heard that David Gower, 16, who has
muscular dystrophy, did well in mainstream school until the age of nine
but was moved to the Marjorie McClure special school in Chislehurst. However,
his parents removed him amid claims teachers had not provided him with the
computer teaching he needed to socialise with other pupils. They allege
that their son failed educationally and suffered emotionally and psychologically
as a result.
News Shopper Orpington and Chislehurst, August 4, 1999.
A special school in Nottingham has taken on a role as a literacy summer
school. Woodlands School in Aspley, which caters for 5 to 16 year olds with
learning difficulties or challenging behaviour, is one of only a handful
of schools in the country to be running such a scheme. During the two-week
summer school 16 pupils came back into the classroom every day for a standard
six-hour school day. They were picked because it was felt they would benefit
from extra tuition.
Nottingham Evening Post, August 6, 1999.
Bruce and Suzanne Dorricott have won a climbdown from Powys education authority
over its refusal to allow their disabled daughter, Ceri, to attend her choice
of mainstream secondary school with her friends. Mr. Dorricott said that
the family was told by Powys LEA in April that Ceri's place at Crickhowell
High School was secure, but learned to their amazement four weeks later
that Powys had withdrawn the place. 'The reasons given were ridiculous and
showed that the people involved had not worked with Ceri during her taster
day at the school. It was a heck of a shock to hear she had been barred
from going and we felt we had to challenge the reasons behind it.' The family
were ready to take the matter to the High Court in London but after seeing
the weight of argument Powys LEA were advised to back down and accept Ceri
as a pupil at Crickhowell.
Abergavenny Chronicle, August 19, 1999.
More children with special needs should be offered places at mainstream
schools, a blueprint document says. Essex County Council makes the suggestion
in its report Special Educational Needs - A Draft Action Plan for Essex.
The document outlines how children who are today sent to special schools,
will in the future have realistic alternative places in mainstream schools.
And that will mean providing extra support. Although four out of five pupils
with special needs are placed in the school that both they and their parents
want, the Council wants to increase the number even further.
Cheshunt and Waltham Mercury, August 20, 1999.
A severely disabled teenager has spent the last year in a psychiatric hospital
because there's no cash to pay for his education. Christopher Beattie was
admitted to Muckamore Abbey, Antrim, while health chiefs tried to place
him in a special school. But that was in June 1998 and now his Mum, Sharon,
fears the 17 year old has been forgotten. Christopher, who is autistic,
had been attending Park View Special School four days a week and living
with his Mum, while the remaining three days were spent at the hospital.
However, school staff decided Christopher's behaviour was too much for them
and he was moved to the hospital last June.
Sunday Life, Belfast, August 22, 1999.
Plans for sweeping changes to Walsall's special schools will be tabled
before December, despite doubts over financial backing for the scheme. Education
bosses will hold further talks with head teachers before forming a strategy
to overhaul special education for 600 pupils with behavioural, physical
and learning difficulties. In a report to Walsall Council's schools organisation
committee, education co-ordinator John Round said earlier plans were being
re-drafted to be put before the education committee during the Autumn term.
Mr Round said it could take until December before plans were ready because
officers would have to find funds for the scheme.
Walsall Express and Star, August 23, 1999.
Kyle Barton has celebrated his sixth birthday by taking his first faltering
steps on his new artificial 'back to front' legs. Kyle, who lost his limbs
two years ago following meningitis, has amazed doctors by his stunning recovery.
Now he has taken his first steps on the new legs which have the feet at
the back to give him confidence to walk. The 'back to front' legs replace
a more usual set of legs which were made for Kyle shortly after his illness
but he was always frightened of falling backwards and never gained confidence
in them.
Daily Star, August 27, 1999.
When James Cope was two years old consultants told his parents that he
would never be able to walk, talk or do anything because of his severe disabilities.
Born in 1983 with cerebral palsy, James has now proved them all wrong. He
has passed all nine of his GCSEs -- a notable achievement for any 16-year-old.
James, who attended St David's High School, Wrexham, said it felt good to
show people what he was capable of. His father Tony said: 'It's great that
after all that hard work, James has now got his GCSEs. He didn't have to
prove anything to me or his mum -- we'd have been proud whatever he got
-- but he has done really well. When we went to St. David's to see the head
teacher, Geoff Rate, about James attending a mainstream school he simply
said that St. David's was a community school and James was a member of the
community like anyone else. The school has been brilliant'.
Wrexham Mail, September 2, 1999.
The celebrations have been short-lived at Barbara Priestman School, Sunderland,
following the Government's decision to throw out Sunderland Council's plans
to close it. Numbers are continuing to fall and governors accuse the council
of discouraging parents from sending their children to the school. The council
denies such action saying that the fall in numbers was the reason it began
its review of the school's future in the first place.
Sunderland Echo, September 3, 1999.
A disabled pupil has been told to stay away from her new secondary school
because it cannot cope with her special needs. Zahrah Manuel, who has cerebral
palsy, was due to start at Whitefield School in Barnet last week. But the
school claims that the 12-year-old would be a health and safety risk because
staff have not been trained to deal with her disabilities. School bosses
are now appealing to the Education Secretary, David Blunkett, to allow them
to legally refuse her a place on the grounds that she is too severely disabled
to teach. Zarah attended a mainstream primary school in West Hampstead but
was turned down for her local secondary school because it was not wheelchair
accessible. Her parents opted for Whitefield because it was the nearest
wheelchair-accessible school to their home. Her mother Preethi, who has
campaigned for a mainstream education for Zarah since she was four said:
'I have had to break the news to my daughter that she has nowhere to go
to school. The first day of secondary school is a marker day in any child's
life and she has missed it'.
Hampstead and Highgate Express, September 10, 1999.
People with a view on how children with special educational needs should
be taught in Gloucestershire are to have their say at a series of special
meetings. Gloucestershire County Council has organised the interactive public
workshops to find out what people think about its SEN proposals. They will
take into account opinions gathered from parents, teachers and governors
during six public meetings across the county during September and October.
County Councillors will be considering the proposals at an education committee
meeting on November 15.
Stroud News and Journal, September 15, 1999.
Scope, the charity for people with cerebral palsy, is calling on Essex
Council to urgently reverse plans to close a specialist unit attended by
disabled children with physical and neurological impairments at the mainstream
Maunds Wood School in Harlow. The charity believes the move will seriously
affect the children because the Council plan to relocate them in mainstream
schools which are not fully accessible and do not have sufficient specialist
support. Dissatisfaction with the Council's provision for special educational
needs is also reflected in the number of appeals against the Council to
SEN tribunals which reached 103 in 1998, one of the highest in the country.
Scope is also concerned at reports that the Council is refusing to issue
statutory statements to some children.
Disabled and Supportive Carer, September 1999.
Due to the efforts of Newtown First School's Assessment Centre, seven-year-old
Conor McMillan, who is autistic, can now attend mainstream classes. His
mother Kathy paid tribute to the Centre: 'Newtown were brilliant. He started
in the special language unit and gradually began to communicate through
signs. He has become more aware of people around him now which is a problem
many autistic children face'. At Newtown's Assessment Centre children stay
in small groups for a few terms and are gradually integrated with other
members of the school.
Exeter Leader, September 16, 1999.
For some children returning to school after the summer break is a big dread,
but for pupils with dyslexia that dread can turn into a phobia. With that
in mind, the British Dyslexia Association has launched its Back to School
Campaign which aims to show the parents of dyslexic children what they can
do to help make classrooms friendlier places. BDA chief executive, Joanne
Rule, said: 'We want to make parents feel more confident that they can help
dyslexic children and take the fear out of school. Without the right help
dyslexic children can become school phobic. Headteachers can contact us
for a resource pack on making the whole school dyslexia friendly'.
Newcastle Upon Tyne Evening Chronicle, September 17, 1999.
A public meeting is to be held in Hampton to discuss future plans for Oldfield
House School, which caters for children with behavioural problems. Richmond
Council's education department is considering reducing the service at the
Hampton school and introducing children with emotional and behavioural problems
into mainstream education. The department has carried out a wide-ranging
consultation over the summer, seeking the views of parents and primary schools
in the borough on the proposal. Parents with children at Oldfield House
have expressed concern at the LEAs' plans and residents are worried over
the potential development of the site.
Richmond Comet, September 24, 1999.
A secondary school in Fishponds is poised to become Bristol's first mainstream
school to cater for older children with severe learning difficulties. Councillors
were deciding whether Whitefield Fishponds Community School will admit special
needs pupils aged from 11 to 18. The school will take in pupils from Briarwood
special school in Fishponds, New Fosseway special school in Hengrove, and
Henbury Manor School in Henbury which is due to close next summer. Teachers
at Briarwood and New Fosseway School will transfer to Whitefield Fishponds.
Some children will be taught in a specialist unit in Whitefield Fishponds
and others may be taught in mainstream classes according to their needs.
Bristol Evening Post, September 30, 1999.
Horton Lodge Community Special School, Rudyard, Cheshire, is hosting a
pioneering course aimed at helping teachers support children with physical
difficulties in mainstream schools. The post-graduate certificate is believed
to be the first of its kind in Britain and has been endorsed by Education
Secretary, David Blunkett. It grew out of the special school's links with
several mainstream schools in Staffordshire and Cheshire. Horton Lodge's
head teacher, Caroline Coles, then teamed up with University College, Northampton,
and the course was born. Staffordshire County Council offered cash support.
Sentinel (Cheshire), October 1, 1999.
A Medway School which mixes able-bodied and disabled pupils has been praised
by Ofsted inspectors. Twydall Infant School, Gillingham, was said to be
integrating students effectively in the whole life of the school. The behaviour
of the school's pupils and the quality of relationships were described as
excellent. Head teacher, Sue Fedosiuk, was praised for her very good leadership
and clear educational direction.
Km Extra (Medway), October 8, 1999.
More than 1,500 people have put their names to a petition to save a West
Bromwich special school. Parents are calling on Sandwell Council to keep
Glenvale School in Jervoise Street open. They are also demanding the education
department rethink plans to reform the whole of special needs education
in Sandwell. They claim the Council failed to take their views into consideration
when it announced in August it was to close nine out of the borough's 11
special schools.
Dudley Express and Star, October 11, 1999.
As 1,000 pupils at Brigshaw High School in Leeds braved the elements for
their sponsored walk, two Year 7 pupils went on a roll to raise some cash.
Rachel Flint and Valerie Pyett, who are both wheelchair users, joined the
school this term and were keen to do their bit to raise funds. So while
their classmates trudged over fields they popped along to the gym where
they rolled along mats for an hour, picking up balls and putting them in
buckets on the way. Last year the annual event raised more than £7,000
and the school is hoping exceed that this year.
Yorkshire Evening Post (Leeds), October 11, 1999.
A South Hylton mother was celebrating today after winning her battle to
get her son into a special needs school which was saved from the axe this
summer. Jackie Watson wanted her four-year-old son John Kenny to go to Barbara
Priestman School, Sunderland, because of the facilities there. But Sunderland
Council said John should go to a specially equipped mainstream nursery in
Oxclose, Washington. This was part of its policy to include special needs
children in mainstream wherever possible. Now a Special Needs Tribunal has
backed Ms. Watson saying there are simply not enough resources yet to deal
with John at Oxclose. The Barbara Priestman chair of governors, Alan Share,
warned that there may be about ten more similar cases yet to come.
Sunderland Echo, October 14, 1999.
Several parents have refused to send their children to the autistic spectrum
disorder unit which opened last year at Castle Hill Primary School, in New
Addingham. The unit was also criticised by Ofsted inspectors for its staffing
provision in their July inspection report. But even though the school carried
out a series of improvements over the summer holidays, the parents still
refuse to send their children there, despite being impressed by the new
Coulsdon and Purley Advertiser, October 15, 1999.
Reading Council has launched a Disabled Children's Team dedicated to helping
disabled children and their families. Initially based at Wellington House
in Wokingham, it will bring together knowledge, expertise and information
from diverse areas and disciplines, acting as a focal point for contact
by parents, professionals and voluntary agencies. The aim is also to forge
close working relationships with professionals from other agencies and to
set up a register for children with disabilities to enable the team to gain
a better understanding of needs in the district.
Reading Evening Post, October 18, 1999.
A Cradley Heath mother says she has been taken aback by support for her
campaign to save Sandwell special schools. Mrs Dorothy Bennett launched
her move earlier this month. It came after it was announced that Knowle
Special School, which her son Christopher attends, will close along with
eight other special units. Education officers have pledged that no child
will be sent back to mainstream against their will. But Mrs Bennett says
parents want to keep their children where they are.
Sandwell Express and Star, October 18, 1999.
Harrod's boss Mohammed Al Fayed has intervened to ensure that a profoundly
deaf thirteen-year-old can be given the special schooling his family say
he needs. Peter Schofield, who lives in Stroud, suffers from dyspraxia and
language and social conduct disorders, but is very bright. For two years
his parents have fought in vain to persuade Gloucestershire education authority
to pay to send him to the acclaimed Mary Hare grammar school for the deaf
in Newbury, Berkshire. The family have taken the matter to a Special Educational
Needs Tribunal and even challenged the LEA in the High Court. But Gloucestershire
education chiefs say that although they recognise Peter has serious difficulties,
they believe he can succeed in a mainstream school with specialist support.
But Mr Al Fayed was moved by Peter's plight and yesterday agreed to foot
the £19,000 annual school fees for the teenager. Mr. Al Fayed has
special reason to sympathise. His own son, Karim, 14, has been profoundly
deaf since contracting meningitis when he was only six months old and attends
Mary Hare School.
Western Daily Press (Bristol), October 25, 1999.
Classroom assistants working with children with special needs in Newcastle
have passed a pioneering course. The 115 assistants employed at special
and mainstream schools in the city were presented with certificates by special
education needs review adviser, David Bennett. Newcastle was the first local
authority in the country to run the nationally accredited course for specialist
needs classroom assistants.
Newcastle Upon Tyne Evening Chronicle, October 25, 1999.
The mother of a 22-year-old man who has autism has taken an unprecedented
High Court Action in the Irish Courts claiming that the State has breached
its constitutional obligation to provide free primary education for her
son. She claims that for the first 18 years of his life Jamie Sinnott got
no more than two years of what could be described as an education and as
a result suffered and regressed. Catherine Sinnott, of Ballinhassig, Co
Cork, was struck by the inequality of her son's education compared with
that of her other non-handicapped children, according to her counsel, Mr
Paul Sreenan SC.
The Irish Times, Dublin, November 3, 1999.
Andrew Griffin has a CV that any student would be proud of. He has O levels
in English language, English literature and sociology, NVQs in business
studies and information technology and City and Guilds qualifications in
maths, communication, and computing. He has worked for disabled charities,
been an office clerk, gained public speaking certificates, mastered spreadsheets,
studied drama, completed a film-making course and a preliminary certificate
in sports teaching. His latest success after two years studying at the Willesden
Centre of the College of North West London is to gain maximum marks in his
exams in English, Politics of Race and Gender, sociology and study skills.
A learning support assistant said: ‘Andrew fitted in brilliantly and
the students were wonderfully supportive. They were much more understanding
of people with disabilities afterwards.’
Brent and London Recorder, November 3, 1999.
Education for disabled children in Scotland's schools was branded a ‘form
of apartheid’ by campaigners yesterday. They told MSPs that the Scottish
Executive's proposed Improvement of Education Bill ignored what they called
segregation in school – the current practice of sending disabled and
special needs children to specialist establishments. The Equal Opportunities
Committee which has been hearing evidence related to the Bill was told that
15 per cent of Scotland’s children were educated outside mainstream
schools. Campaigners from the Edinburgh-based group Equity said the system
perpetuated discrimination because able-bodied and disabled children did
not grow up together.
Aberdeen Press and Journal, November 3, 1999.
Councillors are expected to sound the death knell for a special school.
The controversial closure of Thornhill Special School is expected to be
confirmed by Hartlepool Council as part of Government plans to integrate
special needs children into mainstream education. The majority of younger
pupils are expected to transfer to the town’s Grange Primary School,
while older pupils will attend a special resource centre at High Tunstall
Hartlepool Mail, November 4, 1999.
A disabled boy who won his fight to be allowed to go to school with his
friends has celebrated his first year at Whitehaven School in Cumbria. Ryan
Redmond, 12, of Hensingham, had been told that because of scoliosis and
dietary problems he would be unable to attend Whitehaven and should go to
a specially equipped school in Workington. But Ryan and his parents were
determined that his disabilities should not be a stumbling block so they
took their case to a Special Educational Needs Tribunal. Head teacher, Stan
Aspinall, said: ‘Ryan has settled in well at the school and managed
to achieve a 75 per cent attendance rate. The education authority wanted
him him to go to a specially adapted facility but he was against that and
has shown that in come cases schools can meet the demands of pupils with
physical problems.’
News and Star (West Cumbrian), November 8, 1999.
The mother of twins, Brad and Brent Gammon, 5, has kept them off school
after learning that education chiefs plan to split up the boys with one
attending a special language unit in Dartford and the other going to Higham
County Primary School. A statutory assessment by Kent County Council found
that Brad had special educational needs but that Brent could cope with mainstream
education. Gravesham MP, Chris Pond, said he had written to the county council
to find out why the boys’ problems had not been dealt with more sensitively.
Kent Today, November 11, 1999
Gloucestershire County Council’s plan for integrating special educational
needs children into mainstream schools has been revised after an extensive
consultation with parents, teachers, governors and support workers throughout
the county over the last few months. Changes include more detail about how
SEN children will be supported in mainstream schools and how that support
will be funded. The plan is to close the county's four special schools and
shift funding to provide for SEN chldren in mainstream education, particularly
at primary level, to address needs as early as possible. Dr Steve Huggett,
head of SEN, said: ‘There has been a mistaken view that this review
has been abut cutting costs but we are actually investing more in special
education than ever before and as a council we are comitteed to continuing
that level of funding. This review is about how we spend the money so that
children with moderate learning difficulties get the best possible deal.’
Gloucester Citizen, November 13, 1999.
Parents of disabled or disruptive children will gain new rights to send
their children to mainstream schools in one of two education bills announced
yesterday. The Special Educational Needs Bill aims to speed up decisions
about the education of children with physical, emotional and behavioural
difficulties. Local authorities will be obliged to set up conciliation to
spare parents lengthy legal proceedings to win their choice of schooling.
Disputes over the education of children with special educational needs are
the largest source of complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman.
The Times, November 18, 1999.
People with disabilities in Ireland could organise themselves into a lobby
of one million advocates for change, a conference in Waterford was told
yesterday. Mr Brian Crowley, the Fianna Fail MEP, called on the various
groups representing disabled people to put aside sectional interests to
pursue priority aims. He was speaking at the European conference, ‘New
Perspectives, Disability and Employment’, at which the keynote address
was delivered by the US civil rights lawyer, Mr Edward Kennedy Junior, who
said disabled people were our ‘greatest untapped resource’.
Mr Kennedy said society's attitude to people with disabilities was the biggest
barrier they faced. Medical models of disadvantage needed to be replaced
by social models.
The Irish Times, Dublin, November 19, 1999.
Sunderland education chiefs have enlisted outside help to get their special
needs shake-up right second time round. The Government rejected Sunderland
Council’s first shake-up earlier this year, after objections from
governors and parents at Barbara Priestman School. The Council has now brought
in former school inspector John Elliot to give advice. In a report to the
education sub-committee, education director, Dr John Williams, says an outside
review is now timely. ‘There would clearly be advantages in this being
carried out by somebody who had not been involved in the review process
to date. This appealed to the governors of Barbara Priestman, who are keen
to clarify the school’s future role within the city’s special
needs provision.’
Sunderland Echo, December 1, 1999.
Pupils with statements of special educational needs for specific learning
difficulties (dyslexia) placed in mainstream schools are making at least
satisfactory progress, says Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) in a report.
According to the report, dyslexic pupils who obtain additional specialist
help for the greatest possible time before transfer to secondary school
are less likely to experience emotional problems. Some schools are taking
too long to give pupils a formal assessment which is wasting pupils’
time and lowering their confidence. The quality of teaching and support
or dyslexic pupils is satisfactory in 94 per cent of lessons in primary
schools and 90 per cent in secondary. The quality of teaching and support
is often good or very good and occasionally excellent.
Education Today, December 8, 1999.
Calderdale Council has been criticised for proposing to save £30,000
a year by cutting support for pupils with special educational needs. In
a letter to the editor, Jane Wainwright says: ‘Have they any idea
of the problems and upset this will cause to children, parents and teachers?
Why is it that when the Council has to make cuts the children have to suffer?
Calderdale used to be known for its policy of placing children with special
needs in mainstream schools, but now it seems to be going against its beliefs.’
Halifax Evening Courier, December 9, 1999.
Protesters caused four hours of chaos outside a specially resourced secondary
school after it refused admission to a girl with cerebral palsy because
she is ‘too disabled’. Zahrah Manuel, 11, who lives in West
Hampstead, London, has disabilities which affect her movement. Despite recommendations
by Camden Council for her to attend Whitefield School in Claremont Road,
Cricklewood, the school has refused her admission claiming it does not have
the resources to meet her needs. Campaigners from the Alliance for Inclusive
Education, which fights for disabled children to be included in mainstream
schools, congregated outside Whitefield which recently benefited from £750,000
to make it accessible to physically disabled students. Zahrah and her mother
Preethi attended the demo which co-incided with the first full governors’
meeting of the term. Outraged head teacher, Barbara Howe, said it was no
coincidence that the date for the demo co-incided with the meeting.
Hendon and Finchley Times, December 9, 1999.
Harrow children with physical disabilities and learning difficulties are
to be integrated further than ever into mainstream schools. The new plans
were made public only a day after schools’ watchdog Ofsted published
a damning report on Whittlesea Special School in Harrow Weald. The programme
which is expected to take between five and ten years to implement, would
involve improving access and disabled facilities in a number of mainstream
schools as well as recruiting specialist teachers to mainstream schools
to teach special needs children. Head of schools and community services,
Michael Hart, said: ‘This is an attempt to update our policy of ensuring
that as many special needs children as possible are catered for in the borough’s
mainstream schools. It is not a total revamping of Harrow’s provision
for special needs children’.
Harrow Observer, December 9, 1999.
In Ireland measures to meet the special educational needs of children with
disabilities, including autistic children, were approved by the Government
after the Minister for Education and Science warned they were necessary
to avoid the likelihood of further litigation by parents of such children,
including claims for damages, it has emerged in the High Court. In a memorandum
for Government the Minister said: ‘The inadequacies of current special
education services are now being exposed in the High Court on an almost
daily basis. In virtually every case, the State is being found to have failed
in its obligation under Article 42 of the Constitution to provide for free
primary education for all children.’
Irish Independent (Dublin), December 18, 1999.