supporting inclusion, challenging exclusion
bargain corner - older CSIE resources still in print
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Equality: Making It Happen (pilot edition) A guide for schools to make sure everyone is safe, included and learning (2015)
This practical and accessible guide has been developed by CSIE in collaboration with primary and secondary schools. User-friendly reference cards, organised around equality strands and around aspects of everyday school life, offer succinct, practical advice and suggested activities; examples of good practice; and sources of further information and support. Materials also include: equality monitoring questionnaires for staff, pupils and parents; key information on equality legislation and a range of equality strands; and a CD with electronic copies of all printed materials and additional resources.
“Equality: Making It Happen” addresses equality holistically, places pupils at the heart of protecting children’s rights in school and is relevant to children of all ages. Materials can be used for teaching & learning activities, assemblies, peer mentoring, school council, staff training, and whole school development.
This is a pilot edition and CSIE is making the few remaining copies available at a bargain price ! A new edition of this guide will be published in January 2016.
CSIE Price: £10.00
ISBN: 978 1 872001 78 4

Learning about the Index in use. A study of the use of the Index for inclusion in schools and LEAs in England (2005)
This report, written by Sharon Rustemier and Tony Booth, examines the many different ways the CSIE Index for Inclusion has been used by Primary and Secondary schools and by LEAs in England. Using examples and case studies, the report illustrates the positive impact the Index can have on the inclusive development of school cultures, policies and practices.
CSIE Price: £14.00
RRP: £16.00
ISBN: 1 872001 53 X

Segregation trends - LEAs in England 2002-2004 (2005)
All LEAs in England are ranked according to their placement of pupils with statements of special educational needs in special schools and other segregated settings. Disturbing local variations in segregation are revealed along with very little progress towards inclusion during the three year period. Essential reading for LEAs, schools, teacher trainers, voluntary organisations, parents, governors and students.
CSIE Price: £10.00
ISBN: 1 872001 48 3

The case against segregation into special schools: a look at the evidence (2004)
A look at the evidence and the reasons why, whatever the degree of interaction with mainstream schools, special schools are necessarily segregating institutions. Dr Sharon Rustemier's report draws on the substantial bodies of educational and social psychological evidence to illustrate the damage of this segregation and its links with stigma, stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination.
CSIE Price: £3.00

Inclusion against the odds (2003)
This is the story of the continuing education and life of Kirsty Arrondelle, a young woman who enjoys membership of many groups in her local community, both within and outside of formal education. She also has Down's syndrome. This report, by Dr Sharon Rustemier, documents Kirsty's social and educational inclusion in adult life and links this with her parents' struggle to secure mainstream education for their daughter.
CSIE Price: £8.00
RRP: £10.00
ISBN: 1 872001 38 6

LEA inclusion trends: English LEAs 1997-2001 (2002)
This statistical report gives up-to-date league tables of all the highest and lowest segregating LEAs across England in 2001. Written for CSIE from Government data by Prof Brahm Norwich, University of Exeter.
Out of print
ISBN: 1 872001 20 3

Human Rights and School Change - the Newham Story (2002)
This is an account of the successful development and growth of the inclusive education service in the London Borough of Newham over 1984-2002. The authors, Linda Jordan and Chris Goodey, were among leading figures in the change towards inclusion.
CSIE Price: £8.00
RRP: £10.00
ISBN: 1 872001 25 4

Index for Inclusion: developing learning and participation in schools (Revised 2002)
The Index for Inclusion, written by Tony Booth and Mel Ainscow, is a major publication from CSIE to help guide schools through a process of inclusive school development. It encourages the widest scrutiny of school life and involves a self-review of a school's cultures, policies and practices. Through a deep exploration, barriers to learning and participation are identified, priorities for development are determined and plans are put into practice to help build supportive communities which foster high achievement for all students.
Price includes FREE 6-page Index for Inclusion insert for schools.
Out of print

Disaffection and Inclusion - a mainstream approach (1998)
A very different response to the national trend for increasing disciplinary exclusions is presented in this report by Giles Barrow which describes an inclusive approach to disaffection and disruption in the London borough of Merton.
CSIE Price: £6.00
RRP: £7.00
ISBN: 1 872001 57 2

Inclusive Education: a framework for change (1997)
This report by Alison Wertheimer reflects the growing international movement calling for inclusive schools which welcome all children. Inclusion, it says, is an issue of basic human rights, and not primarily an educational or professional issue. It calls for change in the UK law to end current discrimination against disabled pupils.
CSIE Price: £4.00
RRP: £4.50
ISBN: 1 872001 37 8

Exam Performance in Special Schools (1997)
Special schools claim to offer appropriate educational experiences, yet this analysis shows that nearly 70 per cent failed to enter any students at all for GCSE in 1996. The report, by Prof. Gary Thomas, then at University of the West of England, lists every special school in England, the number of students in year 11 and the percentage of GCSE passes.
CSIE Price: £5.00
ISBN: 1 872001 52 1

Inclusion in action audio tapes (1997)
Compiled by Linda Shaw, Co-Director, CSIE, these two audio tapes present a positive approach to training for inclusive education in ordinary schools and offer a tour of six schools presented in radio-documentary style, with a guide book and work cards. The pack gives first-hand accounts of inclusion based on experiences in schools. The 'slices of life' feature real-life examples of strategies, services and support for responding to diverse difficulties in learning.
CSIE Price: £7.00

Bishopswood - Good Practice Transferred (1992)
ll staff, pupils and resources of Bishopswood Special School for children with severe learning difficulties in Oxfordshire have now transferred successfully to local mainstream schools. This report explains why and how the change came about and is a useful model for others.
CSIE Price: £2.50
ISBN: 1 872001 04 01

Each Belongs - Integrated Education in Canada (1990)
There are no special schools in the two parts of Canada described in this report by Linda Shaw, Co-Director, CSIE. All children are in the mainstream with support. This illustrated report describes the local policy and practice, and challenges all of us to reconsider whether it is necessary to limit inclusive education.
CSIE Price: £2.50
ISBN: 1 872001 01 7

Duty to Review (1987)
This is a report of CSIE's survey of LEA reviews of special education under the 1981 Act and reveals a wide variation of practice across the country, as well as illustrating different frustrations and tasks facing authorities.
CSIE Price: £2.50
ISBN: 1 872001 47 5

Like Other Children (1987)
This illustrated report tells the story up to 1987 of Kirsty Arrondelle who has been successfully educated in mainstream schools. Kirsty has Down's syndrome and her education is a tribute to the partnership between her parents, the LEAs and the primary school headteachers and teachers involved in her placements.
CSIE Price: £2.50
ISBN: 0 946828 13 X

Guiding the Professionals (1986)
This is the report of CSIE's survey of LEA material given to professionals on how they should have operated the 1981 Education Act. In many parts of the country the LEA guidance was shown to be seriously inadequate.
CSIE Price: £2.50
ISBN: 0 946828 14 8

Caught in the Act (1986)
What LEAs told and did not tell parents under the 1981 Education Act. This report features the results of CSIE's national survey of LEA material given to parents to help them through assessments and statementing.
CSIE Price: £2.50
ISBN: 0 946828 12 1

Integration in Practice - 1, 2, 3 (1986)
These three integration examples have been written in an easily readable style designed to give basic facts as well as the atmosphere of each school. They are: Northumberland Park Comprehensive School which integrates students with physical disabilities; the all age inclusion of blind pupils at primary and comprehensive schools in Wolverhampton; and the pioneering Charnwood integrated nursery in Stockport, Cheshire.
CSIE Price: £2.50
ISBN: 0 946828 11 3

Mainstreaming In Massachusetts (1986)
14 year old students in this part of America have more legal rights than any parent in the UK; this report sets out the federal and state legal framework supporting inclusion of disabled pupils in ordinary schools and describes good practice as well as union and LEA views.
CSIE Price: £2.50
ISBN: 0 946828 09 1

Integration in Education - the Way Forward (1985)
A report of the CSIE day conference where the strongest call was for special education to be made part of the mainstream system. Speakers called for a new perspective on special education and gave examples of how children previously excluded from ordinary schools, were included. Includes a section on Kirsty Arrondelle’s education.
CSIE Price: £2.50
ISBN: 0 946828 10 5

'I can't believe my eyes' (1985)
A fully illustrated report of the first integrated adventure week at a field studies centre in Cornwall. Pupils from special and comprehensive schools in London combine forces for a unique week's adventure holiday. Report includes interviews with all pupils.
CSIE Price: £1.00

Integration - a New Partnership (1983)
This report by Ann Shearer is of an early CSIE/ACE day conference at the Institute of Education, London and deals with strategies for integration as well as opportunities and ways forward for parents.
CSIE Price: £1.00

Kirsty - the Struggle for a Place in an Ordinary School (1983)
This factsheet describes the successful battle fought by parents of five year old Kirsty Arondelle who has Down's syndrome, to have her educated in an ordinary infant school.
Price: 50p
Page last updated: Wednesday 12 February 2025
Social and Educational Justice: the human rights framework for inclusion (2002)
This report by Dr Sharon Rustemier puts forward the substantial and persuasive international human rights principles supporting inclusive education. It reveals a catalogue of uncomfortable facts about segregated education in the UK and challenges traditional assumptions sustaining segregation.
CSIE Price: £8.00
RRP: £8.00
ISBN: 1 872001 15 7
find out more:
Social and educational justice - the human rights framework for inclusion
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Learning supporters and inclusion (2001)
This report by Linda Shaw, Co-Director CSIE, focuses on the work of learning supporters and additional adults in the mainstream classroom and covers roles, rewards, concerns and challenges from their perspective. It also sets an agenda for discussion and development.
CSIE Price: £5.00
RRP: £5.00
ISBN: 1 872001 87 4
explore related resources:
Learning supporters and inclusion - next steps forward (Conference Report 2001)