supporting inclusion, challenging exclusion
about inclusion
Arguments for inclusive education are well documented and rest on notions of equality and human rights. Much more than a policy requirement, inclusion is founded upon a moral position which values and respects every individual and which welcomes diversity as a rich learning resource. At a time when the educational landscape is rapidly changing, with schools having to provide for learners of increasingly diverse abilities and family, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, respect and equal commitment to all learners seem more important than ever. The education system is called upon to cater for, among others, black and minority ethnic learners, children of migrant workers and of gypsies, travellers and showpeople as well as for disabled learners. CSIE works towards raising awareness about all aspects of equality in education and increasing schools’ capacity to provide for the full diversity of learners.
- what is inclusion?
- why inclusion?
- legislation and guidance for inclusive education
- further information
Page last updated: Sunday 20 May 2018