Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education

supporting inclusion, challenging exclusion

Inclusive education - A framework for change: UK Government should plan to include disabled pupils in ordinary schools

In 1997 the Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE) put forward an alternative vision for the development of education for disabled children in a booklet published just ahead of the Government's own proposals in its Green Paper, Excellence for All Children (pdf).

CSIE’s Inclusive education - A framework for change reported on the philosophy and demands of the growing international movement for inclusive schools which welcome all children whatever their needs and abilities. It set out proposals to restructure mainstream schools in this country to make them fully accessible in terms of both premises and curriculum and to plan the phased closure of separate special schools.

According to the CSIE booklet there is a growing consensus throughout the world, with the United Nations and UNESCO leading the debate, that all children have the right to be educated together. Disabled children are facing rank discrimination by being segregated in separate schools. The issue of inclusion is one of basic human rights, not primarily a professional or an educational issue.

The proposals put forward by the Government did not depart radically from the outline plans in the White Paper Excellence in Schools on education which, although supporting inclusive education, also sees a continuing role for separate special schools.

CSIE commented at the time:

‘We feel the Government has not yet fully appreciated that many disabled pupils and their families are forced to accept separate special schooling against their wishes.and that it is perpetuating a denial of basic human rights by failing to make plans to phase out special schools.’

‘Inclusive education - A framework for change clearly set out the principles and arguments for developing inclusive education and ending segregation. We hope everybody who supports this change will make their views known to the Government through the consultation on the Green Paper.’

You can order Inclusive Education: a framework for change using our resource page.

Page last updated: Tuesday 22 August 2023

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