Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education

supporting inclusion, challenging exclusion

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Trends Report cover image

Contrasting responses to diversity: school placement trends 2014-2017 for all local authorities in England (2019)

This report presents school placement trends (i.e. the proportion of children placed in special schools or other separate settings) from 2014 to 2017 for each local authority in England. It is the most recent issue in the ongoing (since 1988) CSIE series on school placement Trends. This detailed level of analysis at local authority level, reporting on school placements of all children who live within each local authority's boundaries, rather than on numbers of children attending each local authority's schools) is unique to CSIE. Like other Trends reports before it, this reveals huge variation in the way local authorities respond to diversity; some rely more on ordinary local schools, while others regularly send high proportions of children to separate special schools. These differences bear no simple relation to the size of a local authority or its social or geographical characteristics.

The significance of this research is twofold: despite every local authority being subject to the same national policies and legislation, CSIE Trends reports have brought to light disturbing local variations. Up-to-date information can empower parents to make better-informed choices for their children's education, and can help parents, professionals and others to lobby for change.

Previous reports in the Trends series are available from CSIE.

WP Report cover image

Experiencing inclusive higher education: rising to the challenge of widening participation for disabled students (2018)

Report from our small-scale study into disabled students’ experiences, commissioned by the University of Bristol and undertaken in collaboration with Dr Dave Bainton, Research Fellow at the University of Bristol.

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"Special" education revisited (2013)

An animated story of how schooling for disabled children, or those identified as having "special educational needs", has evolved over time.

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General Leaflet cover image

CSIE Information Leaflet (2012)

This leaflet outlines the philosophy underpinning our work and describes CSIE activities and the services we offer.

Individual copies can be downloaded free of charge.

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Price for multiple printed copies: 20p each

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Assessments and Statements cover image

Assessments and Statements, CSIE Summary (updated 2009)

This information leaflet summarises relevant legislation, introduces the revised Code of Practice and describes the assessment and statementing procedure, including outline details of: special educational needs appeals; reviews and amendments to statements; and change of school and leaving school. It also lists contact details of relevant organisations and other sources of information.

Individual copies can be downloaded free of charge.

download PDF (127Kb) >>

Price for multiple printed copies: 20p each

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Inclusive Education cover image

Inclusive Education - the right to belong to the mainstream (2002)

Information leaflet on previous work of the Centre and the philosophy behind including children in mainstream schools.

Out of print (available to download - see below)

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Learning supporters and inclusion - next steps forward cover image

Learning supporters and inclusion - next steps forward (Conference Report 2001)

Report of CSIE’s 2001 national conferences in London and Manchester which aimed to provide a platform for learning supporters to express their views. The report focuses on supporters' recommendations for developing their work. Priorities for change include: pay, conditions, working with teachers, working with pupils with high level support needs, training and qualifications.

Out of print (available to download - see below)

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Poster image


Two colour posters (A4 size) - photographs of inclusion, with the message 'Inclusion: Human Rights and Social Justice'.

Out of Print (available to download - see below)

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Article 24 leaflet image

Poster on Article 24 (2007)

Information leaflet on Article 24 (Education) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) which emphasizes disabled children's rights to an inclusive education. The leaflet also offers information on the Convention's relevance to UK schools, relevant UK legislation and guidance, and a range of useful resources. The leaflet opens up to an A2-sized poster designed to be displayed in schools.

Out of print (available to download - see below)

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Reasons against segregated schooling cover image

Reasons against segregated schooling (2004)

This A4 leaflet outlines the key reasons against segregated special schooling for disabled children.

Individual copies can be downloaded free of charge.

download PDF (37kb) >>

Price for multiple printed copies: 20p each

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Reasons against segregated schooling reference list cover image

Reference list for 'Reasons against segregated schooling' (2004)

Five pages of references that support the leaflet, 'Reasons against segregated schooling' (see above).

Individual copies can be downloaded free of charge.

download PDF (203kb) >>

Price for multiple printed copies: 20p each

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Ten reasons for Inclusion poster image

Ten Reasons for Inclusion (2002)

Colour A4 poster outlining arguments supporting the inclusion of disabled children in mainstream schools.

Individual copies can be downloaded free of charge.

download PDF (151Kb) >>

Price for multiple printed copies: 20p each

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Inclusion Charter cover image

The Inclusion Charter (revised 2002)

Drawn up by CSIE in 1989 and now signed by a growing number of organisations, LEAs, Trade Unions, MPs and Peers. This six-point Charter calls for the phasing out of special schools for educational and human rights reasons and includes a revised explanatory back-up paper.

Individual copies can be downloaded free of charge.

download PDF (227Kb) >>

Price for multiple printed copies: 20p each

Find out more about our charter.

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Note: some of the documents on this page are in PDF format. In order to view a PDF you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader

Page last updated: Wednesday 26 February 2025

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